Guerrilla Guide

I think this little uruguanian is about to get the boot
Same here. Milk crates work well too and you can fit 5 in. I usually crumble up some newspaper as packing in between. Those 4 slot cardboard drink holders from McDonalds work well also.

I think a lot of these details are different for everyone. Just be creative. If you are in a place where being spotting is a concern, do it at night. If you live in the middle nowhere, hell, you can prob just walk right out your back door into the woods.

Also, this is very important. I think Balzac mentioned this once before, but it's one of those things that can't be stressed enough...WATER. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you are hauling water from home. Now I'm not saying plant on the bank of the local swimming hole, but plant somewhere close enough that making several trips with buckets/cans/jugs, etc, will be feasable. Trust me on this one, I've been there. Best case scenario, you can fit two 1 gallon milk jugs in a book bag. That's about enough water for one medium sized plant for a week at the most. Any water will do as long as it isn't overly polluted. I used water from a small pond last year. Remember, the times when your plants will need the most watering will be when it's really hot out, so be smart. Limit the distance between your plants and your water. I like to do it early in the morning or in the evening when it's cooler.
water is important.

I would never guerilla grow unless I lived here, in hawaii. The rains take care of watering for me, but access to my spot is very guarded due to the entrance to the trail being in a neighborhood cul-de-sac

So I cant haul anything up really, this includes soil an water. I try to make my own soil with natural ingredients from the forest and native soil. I also hike in small amounts of chemical fertilizer. (16-16-16 commercial basic nutes).

Right now I have 6 golden tiger. 2 of them are 3 feet, 3 of them are smaller, about a foot each (due to unfinished soil mix and ph issues)

and one of them is about 1.5 ft. all in native soil pretty much. They love rain thats for sure. Will post pics here later.
Growing tip seems like the obvious but when I laid down a outdoor patch in March one year I forgot to account for the sun's slow drift to the north. The shadow an object gives off when the sun is at its apex will move north in given incruments...needless to say the further north you are the larger each incrument will be.
#2 dont use seed.....learn how to clone because males suck and hermies are heart breakers. I was lucky enough to grow on a friend's parcel of land and his next door neighbor was great because his favorite activity was shooting deer out of season..... which leads me to ask how much of a problem are rabbits and deer?
poaching is a great way to get DNR scouring the area...and those guys will sit on a patch and see who comes around.
Growing tip seems like the obvious but when I laid down a outdoor patch in March one year I forgot to account for the sun's slow drift to the north. The shadow an object gives off when the sun is at its apex will move north in given incruments...needless to say the further north you are the larger each incrument will be.
#2 dont use seed.....learn how to clone because males suck and hermies are heart breakers. I was lucky enough to grow on a friend's parcel of land and his next door neighbor was great because his favorite activity was shooting deer out of season..... which leads me to ask how much of a problem are rabbits and deer?

A grower should scout potential grow sites in all 3 seasons you would be in them.
in fall and winter I usually look in my backyard woods because its more clear and you can see if alot of people walk through it, If you see more than 3 people in 1 day dont do it...
Just a suggestion, I'm a writer and a national honor roll society member majoring in should have made an outline a table of contents too show your chapters and make it easier too write.

Otherwise great idea! I'll deffiendly sub for this and read it when it's done. I just hate reading lil bits here and there.

Well, dude. For a writer, your English SUCKS. The preposition "to" when used with the infinitive verb is spelled "to" not "too." The first letters of National Honor Roll Society should have been capitalized. "You should have made an outline a table of contents" makes no sense whatsoever. And while it's possible that an outline or table of contents might make the information easier to READ, I doubt it would have made it easier to write. Definitely is not spelled "deffiendly", sub (short for subscribe) would take the preposition "to" not "for". And there ain't so such word as "lil".

So get off your fucking high horse, you illiterate grammar Nazi! I, too, (not "to") am a writer, and I'm appalled by your criticism of the OP. Here's a helpful man sharing his time and knowledge, and you're telling him you hate reading little bits here and there?
I am a dumbass and can spell better than that no way dude is national honer society or english major or writer.
damn grammer nazi's, were living in the txting era who uses whole words anymore?? soon there will be whole books written paraphrasing wtf, lol, lmfao, omw
Well, dude. For a writer, your English SUCKS. The preposition "to" when used with the infinitive verb is spelled "to" not "too." The first letters of National Honor Roll Society should have been capitalized. "You should have made an outline a table of contents" makes no sense whatsoever. And while it's possible that an outline or table of contents might make the information easier to READ, I doubt it would have made it easier to write. Definitely is not spelled "deffiendly", sub (short for subscribe) would take the preposition "to" not "for". And there ain't so such word as "lil".

So get off your fucking high horse, you illiterate grammar Nazi! I, too, (not "to") am a writer, and I'm appalled by your criticism of the OP. Here's a helpful man sharing his time and knowledge, and you're telling him you hate reading little bits here and there?

I just laughed my ass off.
SO me and my boy's are talking about dif growth mediums -

AND he talking about how he can grow a plant in a wk and

it will be 2.5 inches tall,

SO I say yeh you can do that because you use a hydro medium

. SO my plant wont be that tall because I dose use a soil medium.

AND the soil medium is the slowest medium to use , but he

just thinks his way of growing better and do know what his

hydro form is , it's were he gets a 4 in pot, gets water out

of the sespit and puts the seed in it and it gross really fast.

that is what he dose.
Read a little , but 24 pages was to much. lol I just joined and I am going to give the great outdoors a try.

Not a novice and probably have years on most. A few of my methods for[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] "Guerilla gro"

I always pre-locate grow areas, 5 locations minimum 10 preferred and mapped. I like large dead tree fallen over close to creeks if possible or large patches of rag weed. The trees help keep moisture trapped and rag weed is a good indicator of soil quality.

On occasion I will take small plants to start the gro , but I usually take sprouted seeds. Much easier to conceal :) and still get the jump on local flora. I will also take a time released fertilizer.

After planting I will go back in a week or so and make sure the spouts have come up if not replant. Also clearing any constricting growth. Try you best not to visit the sites very often and use different trails to get there. Leave no tracks:)

One of the most important things is to never tell anyone anything. I have one partner that I trust, we have been working together since 1980 and have been friends longer.

good luck to every one cant wait to see what Colorado turns out this year. [/FONT]