Guerrilla Guide

Haven't gotten there yet but some advice. A car at night, drop them off close behind some trees then next day go back and carry them. Also back pack, duffel bag or cardboard box.
I was wondering how to get the plants to the grow..?

..Although I'm sure this is info is on its way.. not tryna be disrespectful

I started my grow in extra large cups to get them started inside. When they were ready to get transplanted outside I just took some of the extra cups and used them as lids by taping them together (make sure you don't smush your plant or break any limbs). This protected the fragile plant and allowed me to carry them to my site securely.

I've also heard of people wrapping them in newspaper.
I started my grow in extra large cups to get them started inside. When they were ready to get transplanted outside I just took some of the extra cups and used them as lids by taping them together (make sure you don't smush your plant or break any limbs). This protected the fragile plant and allowed me to carry them to my site securely.

I've also heard of people wrapping them in newspaper.

Easier still is to use soda bottles with the top mostly cut off then taped back together.
Easier still is to use soda bottles with the top mostly cut off then taped back together.

haha i thought of this last night when i was blazed as hell, thanks for the responses guys + rep for the OP too

just had an epic thought after my morning bowl ha you could easily fit a young plant in a 54oz big gulp
I put clones in solo cups and then put them in a cardboard box.

Same here. Milk crates work well too and you can fit 5 in. I usually crumble up some newspaper as packing in between. Those 4 slot cardboard drink holders from McDonalds work well also.

I think a lot of these details are different for everyone. Just be creative. If you are in a place where being spotting is a concern, do it at night. If you live in the middle nowhere, hell, you can prob just walk right out your back door into the woods.

Also, this is very important. I think Balzac mentioned this once before, but it's one of those things that can't be stressed enough...WATER. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you are hauling water from home. Now I'm not saying plant on the bank of the local swimming hole, but plant somewhere close enough that making several trips with buckets/cans/jugs, etc, will be feasable. Trust me on this one, I've been there. Best case scenario, you can fit two 1 gallon milk jugs in a book bag. That's about enough water for one medium sized plant for a week at the most. Any water will do as long as it isn't overly polluted. I used water from a small pond last year. Remember, the times when your plants will need the most watering will be when it's really hot out, so be smart. Limit the distance between your plants and your water. I like to do it early in the morning or in the evening when it's cooler.
Balzac, please don't listen to the haters. YOU ARE HELPING SOMEONE!!!

This will be my first GG and I really would love the info before the season starts so I can use it this year. I am going to be growing sativas, jack herer and moby dick(dinafem)

Your info is great and very easy and fun to read. Please keep it up. I know you know what your doing and I'm not trying to tell you what to do like that other prick but some info I need and concerns I have are:

Pest control
Water(I live in a hot dry place) it will be a few hour drive so and walk so I can't visit weekly. I know you recommend planting near water but if I'm unable too?

I know you will prob ably cover these but thought id ask. Keep it up man!
m doing my first outdoor guirrilla grow soon with some auto ak47. they stay very short from what i was told.
i had a Q. since i wont be able to go water them every day is their a way or a product that will hold water till the plant needs it and then release it by its self.


There is a product called water crystals that you can mix with soil..they absorb and hold water like crazy. just be careful how you mix them with the soil. I used to just put a large glob at the bottom of a hole till I found a couple plants had sunk into the stuff and wound up basically getting drowned.
what i usually do in winter is if u live int he nrothern states or in canada just take ur snowmobile out to ur spot or as close as u can to it (it might be surrounded in dense forest or a river that hasnt frozen over and only way across is walkin across this sketchy ass fallen tree) and by spring there is no tracks or anythign to ur spot because all u did was amke a track in the snow....... if u worreid about other snowmobilers following ur track u made..... do it in a blizzard or on a very windy day those tracks will be covered fast either buy the fallign snow or drifting snow from wind

then i heard someone saying smoething about people catchign u with the soil ur excuse is thats justa bag full of emergency bag/equipment and my lunch..... theres no probable cause for an officer to look in ur bag with a response like that and i know for a fact my snowmobile can outrun any patrol officer's snowmobile that they have here so i got my shit locked to a T
Great thread Balzac. If I may make a suggestion to help those of us planning on using this guide to, well guide us in our GG- please get a little ahead of the season.

For example I live in Zone 4 which is pretty cold and has a shorter growing season. It being March should I have my seedlings started?

Also if you use googleEarth, there is a slider control at the top that shows how the sun hits an area. This way you can tell if an area is shaded or sunny. Methinks someone at google put that in there for us...;) I have a 100+ acres of woods/meadows to search for a plot and gE helps narrow down prospective locations.

I also think 80mg's idea of an outline is a good one. Not all of us are like Stephen King with diarrhea of the mind. An outline would help plan and organize your fine work as well as incorporate the input of others.
All of this great info has me eager to get started. It has been a long and cold winter.

Sub'd Interesting reads balzac. How about growing out of 5 gallon buckets. Ive got several patches where the ground is almost solid rock but everything else is ideal, good southern exposure and a fresh water source a few hundred meters away.

And another idea ive been kicking around is using horse shit mixed in the soil. Composted manure of cousre but it works well. Anyone else tried it???
Please stop spreading crap on the internet, thats a common misconception that is NOT TRUE. Your own pee makes a great vegging fert, yeah really. Just make sure you dilute it, and use common sense, if yur piss is clear as water then just piss on the plant, if it yellow as fuck then dilute it.

Or just use commercial ferts, however I have used my own piss as fertilizer and it works great, I dont piss on them in flowering though as the urea isnt needed during this stage plus I dont wanna smoke my piss.

EDT: Sry for the quad post I just had to point some things out in this thread.

Errr... It's not about a fert thing. If you get piss on a plant, small animals will eat the plant to get there salt fix. Rodents love piss covered plants. If the plants small enough to just piss around the bottom you could be fine, but it it outdoors. If you can finagle your dick around your plant well enough to piss just by the base, your doing it wrong.
Two weeks old. I have a WW that is strange, has four sets of branches instead of two at each set of fan leaves.
hell ya man awesome thread, any suggestions for growing in the middle of a drought? I seen that 1 guys idea of the water crystal stuff but anything else without having to add to the soil? In the past ive used small water pumps powered by 9volt batterys on timers close to a pond but it seems to always go dry around july