I was wondering how to get the plants to the grow..?
..Although I'm sure this is info is on its way.. not tryna be disrespectful
I started my grow in extra large cups to get them started inside. When they were ready to get transplanted outside I just took some of the extra cups and used them as lids by taping them together (make sure you don't smush your plant or break any limbs). This protected the fragile plant and allowed me to carry them to my site securely.
I've also heard of people wrapping them in newspaper.
Easier still is to use soda bottles with the top mostly cut off then taped back together.
I put clones in solo cups and then put them in a cardboard box.
m doing my first outdoor guirrilla grow soon with some auto ak47. they stay very short from what i was told.
i had a Q. since i wont be able to go water them every day is their a way or a product that will hold water till the plant needs it and then release it by its self.
All of this great info has me eager to get started. It has been a long and cold winter.
Please stop spreading crap on the internet, thats a common misconception that is NOT TRUE. Your own pee makes a great vegging fert, yeah really. Just make sure you dilute it, and use common sense, if yur piss is clear as water then just piss on the plant, if it yellow as fuck then dilute it.
Or just use commercial ferts, however I have used my own piss as fertilizer and it works great, I dont piss on them in flowering though as the urea isnt needed during this stage plus I dont wanna smoke my piss.
EDT: Sry for the quad post I just had to point some things out in this thread.