Guerrilla Guide

Friendly reminder to you Growers on the East Coast don't put them clones or mature plants out till after the 1st of June.
Hey, bud, nice thread. I'm curious about this tip, though. Have you personally ever planted earlier, say even in mid May? From the beginning of my years growing, back when I was the supply lumper, human auger and chief bud trimmer, working for a future payment of a zip per shift.... we would start planting outdoors as early as first week in May, depending on the site.

I understand Memorial day weekend being the "safe" date, but even now that I'm on my own I'll have everything in by the middle of May... sooner this year due to the incredible weather we've had here in Northern New England.

Anyways, just curious if you were just passing along the tried and true safe date of June 1 as a matter of habit because it's what most everyone around here grew up hearing or if you'd tried earlier start dates, depending upon Strain (trial and error) Health of the plant (No seedlings) location (early morning sun is a MUST)??

Good luck to you this season!
Yeah man I'm glad you found it helpful.

Keep the trash idea in mind. If theres no trash there's no people.

Thats a very Valid point....

I was contemplating doin a small test Outdoor out East.....
Ill abide the June 1st recco.... Thx for that...
Gonna go read this whole Thread/Guide...
Hey, bud, nice thread. I'm curious about this tip, though. Have you personally ever planted earlier, say even in mid May? From the beginning of my years growing, back when I was the supply lumper, human auger and chief bud trimmer, working for a future payment of a zip per shift.... we would start planting outdoors as early as first week in May, depending on the site.

I understand Memorial day weekend being the "safe" date, but even now that I'm on my own I'll have everything in by the middle of May... sooner this year due to the incredible weather we've had here in Northern New England.

Anyways, just curious if you were just passing along the tried and true safe date of June 1 as a matter of habit because it's what most everyone around here grew up hearing or if you'd tried earlier start dates, depending upon Strain (trial and error) Health of the plant (No seedlings) location (early morning sun is a MUST)??
Good luck to you this season!

Last year I put my plants out May 15th and my plants started flowering for about three weeks then didnt grow at all for almost 2 months.

It was a disaster. Do as you please, but that was my huge mistake last year.
It also depends if you use clones or seed plants. Clones are mature and can't be planted till june, but seed plants can be put out as long as they aren't mature;
Last year I put my plants out May 15th and my plants started flowering for about three weeks then didnt grow at all for almost 2 months.

It was a disaster. Do as you please, but that was my huge mistake last year.

There's only about 45 minutes more sunlight/darkness between May 15th and June 1st, I've never had a problem. Sucks yours were stunted for so long.
last year i put out a couple mothers on april 15th they flowered out and did great, was able to use the same location twice in the grow season. The mothers didnt get as big or produce as much as the others but was still good smoke.
yea true , i unload a bit outa my mossberg 590, that kicks me around a bit, im 60 kgs lol, still hipfire that son of a bitch like a bb gun tho.
Awesome guild really informative you filled in my ?? gaps. I've done numerous small outdoor grows, and did great so now I'm gonna try my first nice big grow.. Any tips on having a fairly big grow?
Awesome guild really informative you filled in my ?? gaps. I've done numerous small outdoor grows, and did great so now I'm gonna try my first nice big grow.. Any tips on having a fairly big grow?

Focus all your effort on six plants or less.

The more love you give those few plants the bigger they will get.
hi Mr. Ganja! by mistake i half broke my top section of my plant that has buds on it that is called suppercroping do you know to tell me if thats bad or what will happen to it???ty