Hey, bud, nice thread. I'm curious about this tip, though. Have you personally ever planted earlier, say even in mid May? From the beginning of my years growing, back when I was the supply lumper, human auger and chief bud trimmer, working for a future payment of a zip per shift.... we would start planting outdoors as early as first week in May, depending on the site.
I understand Memorial day weekend being the "safe" date, but even now that I'm on my own I'll have everything in by the middle of May... sooner this year due to the incredible weather we've had here in Northern New England.
Anyways, just curious if you were just passing along the tried and true safe date of June 1 as a matter of habit because it's what most everyone around here grew up hearing or if you'd tried earlier start dates, depending upon Strain (trial and error) Health of the plant (No seedlings) location (early morning sun is a MUST)??
Good luck to you this season!