Guerrilla Guide

I totally agree that you can produce the same quality with cfl's that you can with hps but i'm sorry bro, when it comes to yield there is no comparison. Your plants look great in the pics but yieldwise, what are you gonna get from that plant? a couple ounces dry maybe? If you had a thousand watts of hps hanging over ur ladies you could have a half pound outta that same plant. If the proof is in the pudding heres a pic of my pudding.


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I totally agree that you can produce the same quality with cfl's that you can with hps but i'm sorry bro, when it comes to yield there is no comparison. Your plants look great in the pics but yieldwise, what are you gonna get from that plant? a couple ounces dry maybe? If you had a thousand watts of hps hanging over ur ladies you could have a half pound outta that same plant. If the proof is in the pudding heres a pic of my pudding.

yeah i see where youre coming from, but with a 4 foot tall room you cant really use hps unless you put the ballast in a separate room, if i had a bigger room then sure id use hps but for right now all i have room for is the cfls plus im only doing 1-3 plants at a time so i dont really need that many watts

nice pics tho
Nice thread man..A Guerrilla grower here as well...I just today also discovered a really nice youtube series bout guerrilla growing, let me see if i can find it again...

Keep up the good work mann...:peace:
LOL those last 2 aint guerilla newfags haha

Well like I was saying anyone with stealth outdoor experience can chime in whenever they want. As along as they don't mind on the info being used.
The next section is going to involve plot preparation and such.
PM your argument cause i don't give a flying fart about it.

i was sticking up for you, this guy thought that he was better than everyone including you trying to tell you how to make your own thread. sorry but i dont like that, then he comes at me saying my growing methods are bad. who does this guy think he is.. god? sorry if i brought unwanted drama to your thread but it was something that had to be said
Hey I found a possible plot on an island. There are alot of houses on it. I found a spot along the edge near a huge salt water bay. I'm worried about the house that is within 25 feet. Most of the people that live there are elderly.
I would appreciate any and all advise.

PS. I added pics of the panoramic sky view. Then some of the land and soil.


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i was sticking up for you, this guy thought that he was better than everyone including you trying to tell you how to make your own thread. sorry but i dont like that, then he comes at me saying my growing methods are bad. who does this guy think he is.. god? sorry if i brought unwanted drama to your thread but it was something that had to be said

This thread is for the purpose of helping one another not petty arguments about grammar. I would prefer it if you ignored him.
Hey I found a possible plot on an island. There are alot of houses on it. I found a spot along the edge near a huge salt water bay. I'm worried about the house that is within 25 feet. Most of the people that live there are elderly.
I would appreciate any and all advise.

PS. I added pics of the panoramic sky view. Then some of the land and soil.

That soil does not look suitable at all. I would also be worried about salt content being so close to the ocean. You might think abotu brining in some of your own soil. I would discourage planting so close to a place where people frequent.

I would only recommend growing here if you can manage it without being spotted in the plot. You don't want to get caught.
Same here I've been following this thread and have always wanted to try doing this..I got a few goin inside here but with spring approaching ain't no reason I couldn't set up some expansions hehe
The tarp idea sounds like a bad idea. That would be very easy to spot from the air.

no its a good idea, as i said ive used these for many years as a pro grower,sounds like u dont know much about outdoor growing if u think it can be seen from above with 100ft trees surrounding it. Its better than pumps(unreliable) lugging in water (idiots way). Plants need 6 litres water per week min. And by the way your plant looks very ordinary ,got anything better? Dont call someones input a bad idea unless youve tried it fool.
no its a good idea, as i said ive used these for many years as a pro grower,sounds like u dont know much about outdoor growing if u think it can be seen from above with 100ft trees surrounding it. Its better than pumps(unreliable) lugging in water (idiots way). Plants need 6 litres water per week min. And by the way your plant looks very ordinary ,got anything better? Dont call someones input a bad idea unless youve tried it fool.

I'm just thinking if you place it under trees how much water can it collect. If you leave it in an opening a helicopter could easily spot it. I've never tried so I don't know.

I didn't get many pictures last year, That picture was the last one I took and that was 5 weeks before harvest just to let uk. I have a real camera this year so many more pictures are going to be taken.
Wudup balzac-this is good read right here!(if u get past the b.s. Arguing- not saying there isnt reason!just do it somewhwere else fellas)anyways,im subb'd & waitin' for the plot prep!