Guerrilla Tree Grow- need tips!

el quetal

Active Member
Im planning to do a tree grow. My biggest concern is that it might be a bit too far north, im at 60 degrees north so Im worried about the light. I have access to clones of big bang, the church, blueberry haze and cheese, I think the church is the best suited one as it is humidity and mold resistent (?).
I plan to put the clones outside in the beginning of june when theyre about four weeks old. The flowering should take about two months so I obviously need them to go instantly into flowering after being put out. The clones are on 20/4 lighting- Im worried that the sun will be up too long here thus not giving them a big enough stress to put them directly into flowering.. And if I wait for them to flower in august they will freeze before producing bud...

This is going to be my first grow so I need tips on the setup. Is there a specially suitable type of tree? Im planning on cutting off the top of a pine tree and tie a 20l bucket with holes in the bottom for drainage. My friend has all the equipment to climb the tree, chainsaws etc so that part will be fine and I will get tips on nutes and watering from the owner of the clones. I plan on watering it manually when theres no rain but I want to look in to a automatic system- any clues?

Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
Um I don't see this plan working, to be honest with you. There's just no way it finishes before late August (and even that would be extreme). Even an auto-flowering plant couldn't grow in the conditions you mentioned, unless you started it inside.

You need to look up the lighting hours for your area to really know. IF you put the clones out June 1 and the lighting was perfect (12 or 13 hrs/day) then you could finish before August (or first week, at least).


Active Member
what about a ruderalis-hybrid autoflowering strain like lowryder, lr2, diesel ryder, etc?

those tend to grow from seed to bud in 6-10 weeks depending on growing conditions.

If started for a couple weeks inside, the full additional 12 weeks that the plant had outside MIGHT be enough... but again, I'm no expert on minature autoflowering strains so I can't be for sure...


Well-Known Member
Yea an auto-flowering strain kept inside until sexing (approx. 3 weeks) would work fine, but that's about it.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Don't people grow dope outdoors in Alaska? Alaska's way, way north of 60 degrees. There must be some strains that will grow where you live.

Any Alaska growers here?