guess someone reported a virus on RIU...


Well-Known Member
This is what I get........

Trying to get contenttype class id from invalid contenttype '18' on line 533 in
#2 /opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/model.php(302):
#3 /opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/model.php(438):
#4 /opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/collection.php(533):
vB_Collection->createItem(Array, 1)
vB_Collection_ContentType->createItem(Array, 1)
vB_Collection->applyLoad(Object(mysqli_result), 1)
/opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/model.php(302): vB_Model->loadInfo()
/opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/collection.php(408): vB_Model->Load(false)
/opt/www/riu/vb4/vb/collection.php(843): vB_Collection->Load()
/opt/www/riu/vb4/usercp.php(1056): construct_usercp_nav('usercp')
/opt/www/riu/vb4/vbseo.php(1397): require('/opt/www/riu/vb...')

Fatal error: Trying to get contenttype class
id from invalid contenttype '18' on line 533 in [path]/vb/types.php in
[path]/vb/vb.php on line 286


Well-Known Member
did you get a recruiting pm the other day too? i thought i was being a paranoid pothead when i got the recruiting pm. major red flag when a "stranger" with zero posts has the ability to pm. i saw that me and one other dude were the only 2 visitors to his page and i didn't pm the other dude to ask him about it because i didn't want to look like a paranoid freak. where the fuck did i put that tinfoil hat?

and for the record, i've been using chrome all day. i got varied "something's not right here" messages all day, one said the site was doing some shit, then it changed to say was doing some shit. at one point i came and didn't get the warning but my antivirus reported an intrusion attempt.

i am here now because i get no more warnings from anywhere, still using chrome, so i assume it's over with. and it's about fucking time because i have a bunch of gold for the lol pix thread.
For the past couple weeks I've been getting pms from different strangers telling me about some awesome new grow community.