Guess that deficiency time!


Active Member
Thank you for all your help ahead of time. I really appreciate it. I have a sick plant, I am not new to growing but I am new to this problem I have. I have 7 all of the same strain that are absolutely perfect. Here's the info

Outdoor grow
Pro mix/perlite/peat moss soil
Beginning of flower
Soil pH 6.0
Water pH 6.0-6.5
Feed strength 1000ppm
Sun leaves nutes plus all organic nutes
Plenty of microbes
Seeing how it's flowering I've cut back on the nitrogen and I'm pushing the P-K , calmag, micro's plus a little molasses and yeast



Well-Known Member
So you have 7 healthy ones and one that has messed up fans?
You’re running organic nutes plus 1000 ppm feeds?
Just an observation, but in the 4th and 5th pics it’s all main stalk fans that are being eaten by the plant. Looks N def in those two pics, and maybe the first one. The second one looks like it got splashed with something and burned. Third pic looks N def except that it has green left in some of the fingers.