guess that problem


Well-Known Member
from what im seeing its Cal def? would like some feedback see what the deal is
its kinda odd though im in SS i just transplaned a week ago i have waterd once with plain water with monterry garden insect spray in it with spinosad to kill thrips in soil and once with a tea that had nitrozyme humboldt honey es carboload and great white..this is all ive done and now there def. showing up?

so again any help would be good and if it is Cal def then i just add some cal mg to fix it right?\

*symptoms brown edges with spots and small brown spots on leaves

thanks for your time

*duh forgot to add pics



Well-Known Member
looks like possibly a cal/mag or potassium def. but I may be wrong. Usually the first signs of calmag are yellow spotting on the leaves and they will start to curl upwards. From my experience the brown rusting only comes from a potassium deficiency.