Guess this movie


Well-Known Member
one of the best movies ever:
"I am your substitute teach Mr. Abignale. That's Ab-ig-nail, not ah-big-nahle, abignailee, it's Abignale"


Well-Known Member
one of the best movies ever:
"I am your substitute teach Mr. Abignale. That's Ab-ig-nail, not ah-big-nahle, abignailee, it's Abignale"
catch me if you can

"and then there was jimmy two times, who got that nick name cause he said everything twice, like:"
"I'm gonna get the papers, get the papers"


Well-Known Member
True Grit

"You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or dreaming?"

"All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly."


Well-Known Member
"Well, this is one duck you won't have to kick around anymore, toots"

IDK Sounds like some Casablanca type shit...

"Smells like god's vagina"
-Pineapple Express


"You're the type of guy that would fuck a man in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around, aren't you..."

"What is your major malfunction numb-nuts, mommy and daddy didn't love you as a child, get up you miserable fat piece of shit, you fucking maggot, you disgust me..."

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
"well, this is one duck you won't have to kick around anymore, toots"

idk sounds like some casablanca type shit...

"smells like god's vagina"
-pineapple express


"you're the type of guy that would fuck a man in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around, aren't you..."

"what is your major malfunction numb-nuts, mommy and daddy didn't love you as a child, get up you miserable fat piece of shit, you fucking maggot, you disgust me..."
no< next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!