Guessing sex of a seedling?


Active Member
So I have three seedlings going, about a week old. Two of them are behemoths and the other is reg. I read that males grow bigger and have more space between the nodes, is IT possible those two are males? Or is IT too early to guess sex characteristics?
You can guess all you want, but it's a waste of time. Learn to be patient :) there is never a need to guess about sex, the characteristics are night and day, just wait for them to tell you :)

It is 100% possible that those two are males, it's also 100% possible that they are not. Hence the pointless nature of speculation.
Well, if are using bag seeds then you could very well have a couple phenotypes of the same strain, one that grows bigger. Even if you ordered your seeds you could be seeing traits of different phenotypes.

Best bet for sexing is to flower them. and then clone your females.
No worries, I am in no hurry. Just read a few books that give tips. Although, I don't care if they're male, more seeds. And Yeah, 3 seeds from the same bud.
Does it have a penis? If it does then its a male.

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
this sorta stuff bums me, cant we cut a little slack here, were all here to learn bro, some know more then others.... and there is a wide spectrum of novice to pro. i agree, the question is silly, and i am sure this guy will learn, and look back and have a chuckle. i know i had some goofy questions i wished i could erase...and i am sure you had a few of your own..... before you were "able to roll a joint"