Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems


does anyone know if foxfarm ocean forest soil is ready to go for seedlings? my little guys are about a week old and have'nt seen much growth in the the last few days. Thinking its the soil? any info will be helpful

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
does anyone know if foxfarm ocean forest soil is ready to go for seedlings? my little guys are about a week old and have'nt seen much growth in the the last few days. Thinking its the soil? any info will be helpful
I put my seeds in it with no problem and they do very well,


Active Member
Hm, I think my newly sprouted plants may need some nitrogen. Maybe I should hit them with a small dose of the floranova bloom next water.
ok first thing ihave only used natural teq. except for the dirt i used miracle grow potting mix and good outside dirt my definition of good is dark in color with kinda sandy,i put egg shells in pot with plant for a week then removed,waited a week put a small bananna peel in pot and waterd for one week,homemade co2 with sugar water and yeast in a home made generator kinda thing made with fish air pump and folger small coffe tub.. i will turn off the fand and let it run for 10 min by it's self right under the plant twice a day if anyone can ease my woorries i would be so great full also as you can see it's still growing fine the reason the leafs r trimm'd just a newb mistake trying to concentrate on feeding buds the plant has been red ever since budding started it's not a new thing


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I would not worry to much about the stems as long as the rest of the plant looks good. You should run the co2 above the plants, it is heavier than air and sinks. How much lighting do you have? With what you are using adding something to add some micro nutes might help also.


Active Member
My plants have turned yellow on the tip of the leaves on both the bottom and top leaves. Could someone tell me what this is?


I went to the site but did not see the issue I am having. I have a Bubba Kush that is getting white almost powdery looking spots on the leaves. I thought this might be water spots at first but I made some clones and I noticed the leaves coming out on the clones have the same white spots. I have over 20 varieties and none of the others have the white spots. They are about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter on the tops of the leaves. Anyone seen this and have a cure.
i have 5 large trainwrecks, 2 in plagron batmix and 3 in westlands with perlite added and the 2 wrecks in the plagron leaves are turning yellow from the bottom up?, the other wrecks are nice healthy green colour in westlands, an using bio grow and bio bloom. Am thinking it might be a mag def? am 4 weeks into flower n am scared my 2 ladies are on road out lol. Will try n add sum pictures up once a learn how to as am new to this site lol. Hiii ev1 BTW :D Great site, cracking info

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Most likely you have nitrogen deficiency. It is common at that stage of flower so don't worry to much. You can add a little more N but be careful not to add to much as it is said that it can slow down flowering. From seed all plants are not created equal even if they are the same strain and same batch of seeds. It's good to keep some fast acting macro nutes (NPK) on hand for just such occasions.
Check this out:
Cheeers for the quick reply and the link hash lover, A was starting to panic lol thought it might have been a problem with the bat mix. Hash lover u posted at exactly 4.20 :D Am for a bong for that haha thanx

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
bongsmilieRight on 4:20 sweet!! It's gotta mean good things to come right? It shows 11:20 for my time zone so the good fortune goes to you. Glad I could help.


Well-Known Member
hey fellas

i have a lil problem i have all these white dusty like stuff on my leaves and am currenty in flowering about 4 weeks in. does this sound like powdery mildew im not to sure myself????? if yes what is the best way to get rid of this without harming my buds AT ALL. experiance only.

Thanks for ya help.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to tell by your pic but it looks ok. What do you have for light and how close to the plant do you keep it?