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Not a good idea if you're using a torch lighter. The reason people use a water pipe is because it has water and cools down the smoke. Allowing for more smoke to be comfortably ingested. The last thing you want on a Salvia trip is a burnt throat.
Wow. :-D Just tryin to get a sticky. :-)

Nah it's deeper than that.

Reason why it is a revolution:
Assuming this does become a sticky (which it should), that means that people like you and me do not have to sit in the hallucinatory substances section telling all the 2 post strangers redundant shit that we have said one-million times and to tell people to use the search function..

Essentially it would give anyone interested in learning about salvia the chance to do so, without needing to be resourceful and use multiple sources.. it's all right here :-D
Smoked some 20x there on saturday and it was proberly the weirdist tripping ever.

Nearly as soon as the smoke left my lungs i was in a battle to stay with relatiy or go, iv been racking my brain ever since to what the trip was? It was like a group of people were trying to lead me somewhere constantly telling me its o.k, come with us everything will be alright. And the longer i fought this the more persistant these beings got, so i eventuly gave in and took one of there hands and snaped out of the trip altogether. I then freeked out bigtime. Im still kinds freeked about it but it was kinda cool lol

I might hit the stronger shit some other time.
Thats probably the most reported aspect! "The Second I Blew Out The Smoke I Was Gone!"

If you want to trip on it then don't fight it, it just makes the trip more uncomfortable.
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