Gun Lovers, You're Screwed.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is plenty of information available to those who are interested in the subject.

But your post said it. You were traumatized once and are now fearful of being without a gun. Trauma is real. It affects a person's emotional and physical health. It is also a powerful motivator and it is completely reasonable that you to bought a gun to alleviate your trauma. However, what research on the subject shows us that gun owners are less safe than if they didn't own a gun.

Regarding remote areas. Ranchers in Oregon say the same as you. They live out in the boonies and have to provide their own security. I have no problem with this. I have no problem with a peaceful person who owns a gun. I simply want gun owners to take responsibility for the problem that they contribute to.

That said, here is supporting information for my claim that guns make gun owners and the people around them less safe. Owning a gun protects a person from homicide in their home? No it doesn't. A household with one gun in it is 1.6 times more likely to have a homicide compared to non-gun owners. That, compounded with other risks, such as suicide and accidents, simply says the feeling one has about guns protecting them is false.

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(this not pointed at Cat) goddammit. Lock those guns up. Jeez.
BS propaganda in those articles. For one, if guns are removed from law abiding citizens homes and the bad guys know it, home invasions go up.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I was thinking more like the Taurus Judge
i've fired one of those, it isn't terrible, but it does kick like a mule, and i noticed that birdshot didn't penetrate very well, not sure about buck or slugs, didn't have any to test. the long colts were a lot more effective, but i wouldn't let a kid or an older person fire it, they'd end up hitting themselves in the head from the recoil

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Maybe if teachers had a choice to carry and went through proper training/ safety kids would be safer in school. What the left thinks that makes school safer is making a gun-free zone so there is no chance if someone does come in blazing.
look under the surface of the water...
why do we expect educators to have to also be defenders?
why can mentally disturbed people get access to weapons that can kill large numbers of people in a short amount of time?
why do we have to make gun free zones? if we had more stringent checks on people trying to buy weapons, shut down person to person sales at gun shows, and REQUIRED people to report stolen weapons within 24 hours, it might make it a little harder for the fucking lunatics to come in blazing, and we wouldn't have to expect people who have dedicated their lives to teaching to fill a double role they are not close to qualified to fill....


Well-Known Member
Maybe if teachers had a choice to carry and went through proper training/ safety kids would be safer in school. What the left thinks that makes school safer is making a gun-free zone so there is no chance if someone does come in blazing.
Riiight, until that teacher Karen's and starts popping off rounds.

More guns around little kids is not the answer.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I’m thinking mandatory extensive training like we have here would be very useful in separating the yahoo’s from the ones that want to be responsible safe gun owners. I get that it’s a very different world and mind set in the States but would that infringe on your 2nd amendment rights? And yes it’s sad that there is even a debate about arming teachers to protect kids in school :(.


Well-Known Member
I’m thinking mandatory extensive training like we have here would be very useful in separating the yahoo’s from the ones that want to be responsible safe gun owners. I get that it’s a very different world and mind set in the States but would that infringe on your 2nd amendment rights? And yes it’s sad that there is even a debate about arming teachers to protect kids in school :(.
I personally think that is more of a false issue that the gun manufacturers support to rile up the gun nuts and cause bullshit arguments. You can't predict crazy IMO.

It would be far easier to just stop allowing kids to bring anything with them to school and the schools supply everything they need for their time on campus.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I personally think that is more of a false issue that the gun manufacturers support to rile up the gun nuts and cause bullshit arguments. You can't predict crazy IMO.

It would be far easier to just stop allowing kids to bring anything with them to school and the schools supply everything they need for their time on campus.
I’m not sure what your calling a false issue and pretty sure most schools frown on weapons being brought to school now ‍♂. Are you suggesting metal detectors, armed guards? Is that not happening now in some schools? I honestly don’t know what it’s like in the schools there but we do have (in some schools) a community based police officer :(.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if teachers had a choice to carry and went through proper training/ safety kids would be safer in school. What the left thinks that makes school safer is making a gun-free zone so there is no chance if someone does come in blazing.
You gun nuts are sooo committed to the belief that guns make people safer. Despite all the evidence saying otherwise, your kind doubles down by saying we just need more guns. We already have one gun for every man, woman child and their cats in this country. Gun homicide, suicide and accidents are 5x to 10x that of other similar nations. Also (snicker) gun sales went up at the beginning of the epidemic, did those virus killing bullets do anything to stop the surge in April, 2020? But you double down. You'd have second grade taught by a pistol packin 60 year old teacher.

When you follow your belief and things continue to go wrong, examine your belief very carefully. It's up to you. Take a good hard look at alternatives. I know I'm asking for something that you may not be able to do, but I have to ask. You and other gun owners have painted yourselves into a corner. But you don't HAVE to stay there.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Maybe if teachers had a choice to carry and went through proper training/ safety kids would be safer in school. What the left thinks that makes school safer is making a gun-free zone so there is no chance if someone does come in blazing.
So if you aren't willing to pack heat and use it
You can't teach?

Boy, we surely will end up with a lot of ignorant teachers

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
You gun nuts are sooo committed to the belief that guns make people safer. Despite all the evidence saying otherwise, your kind doubles down by saying we just need more guns. We already have one gun for every man, woman child and their cats in this country. Gun homicide, suicide and accidents are 5x to 10x that of other similar nations. Also (snicker) gun sales went up at the beginning of the epidemic, did those virus killing bullets do anything to stop the surge in April, 2020? But you double down. You'd have second grade taught by a pistol packin 60 year old teacher.

When you follow your belief and things continue to go wrong, examine your belief very carefully. It's up to you. Take a good hard look at alternatives. I know I'm asking for something that you may not be able to do, but I have to ask. You and other gun owners have painted yourselves into a corner. But you don't HAVE to stay there.
the newest statistic i've seen is 120 guns per 100 people....