Well-Known Member
This is true. We are presumed, under the law to have all been created equal. But only a firearm can have that happen in the day to day, firearms make us more "equal" than othewise. It does not, however, even in mass, make us equal TO the government.
I sincerely like those times when I can agree with my forum buddies....over anything~!

I was in the Governors Mansion, I think it was on that Island next to Vancouver, real nice. And the weapons covered the walls, everywhere.
Covering it, hall to hall from any door. I was thinking... nice weapon collection, cool display.
But, just then the docent says, "...and this is not a modern display or gathered collection of weapons. This is the original arrangement of the defense arsenals. Note they are positioned at all the openings." BONG. Sure enough, at the windows were pistol pairs and blades, floor stands of Pike, etc.
People forget, in the shit, it is yours' and your ass that must be saved, by you. There is no help. And if that means attacking, buck naked a rather large dark man in my yard while screaming SHOTGUN !!!!! KEN!!!!!! FIRE THE SHOTGUN !!!!
...think fast or suffer.
Well, you would of had to be there. It was just barely enough. There were 2 more coming up.
And since I caught him opening a sliding door to my bedroom with my fine gal right there, a crate of one big rock, would have worked even better.
So the element of the, most giant surprise, and instant viciousness on my part, like a dog, only barely turned him. He would have walked through me had not Ken shouted from the direct upstairs window, FIRE NOW?????!!!!
Then he blinked. His buddies piled up at the top of the steps. I shout DOWN THE STAIRS KEN, SHOOOOOOT!!!! And that was a JUMP BACK, back pedal Severe, for them.
But, I remember my guy, staring and backing away like he wanted to draw me to the stairs, as he backed away matching my blanked vicious look. Time-less 10 secs. A brain burn.
I think I did do a little stress puking after that one.
So, though there was no shotgun, even this has to count as a gun save. And it is much farther past the edge of just winging it, than I care to ever be again.
Print guns. Save Lives. Fuck Yeah.