Gun Ownership to prevent Tyrants ???

This is true. We are presumed, under the law to have all been created equal. But only a firearm can have that happen in the day to day, firearms make us more "equal" than othewise. It does not, however, even in mass, make us equal TO the government.

I sincerely like those times when I can agree with my forum buddies....over anything~! :)

I was in the Governors Mansion, I think it was on that Island next to Vancouver, real nice. And the weapons covered the walls, everywhere.

Covering it, hall to hall from any door. I was thinking... nice weapon collection, cool display.

But, just then the docent says, "...and this is not a modern display or gathered collection of weapons. This is the original arrangement of the defense arsenals. Note they are positioned at all the openings." BONG. Sure enough, at the windows were pistol pairs and blades, floor stands of Pike, etc.

People forget, in the shit, it is yours' and your ass that must be saved, by you. There is no help. And if that means attacking, buck naked a rather large dark man in my yard while screaming SHOTGUN !!!!! KEN!!!!!! FIRE THE SHOTGUN !!!!

...think fast or suffer.

Well, you would of had to be there. It was just barely enough. There were 2 more coming up.

And since I caught him opening a sliding door to my bedroom with my fine gal right there, a crate of one big rock, would have worked even better.

So the element of the, most giant surprise, and instant viciousness on my part, like a dog, only barely turned him. He would have walked through me had not Ken shouted from the direct upstairs window, FIRE NOW?????!!!!

Then he blinked. His buddies piled up at the top of the steps. I shout DOWN THE STAIRS KEN, SHOOOOOOT!!!! And that was a JUMP BACK, back pedal Severe, for them.

But, I remember my guy, staring and backing away like he wanted to draw me to the stairs, as he backed away matching my blanked vicious look. Time-less 10 secs. A brain burn.

I think I did do a little stress puking after that one.

So, though there was no shotgun, even this has to count as a gun save. And it is much farther past the edge of just winging it, than I care to ever be again.

Print guns. Save Lives. Fuck Yeah.
Florida. The shooter was a retired police captain, you know, one of the guys you lefties seem to idolize and call "professional".

FL everything weird happens in FL. Remember the guy in Pensacola, that shot to death a puppy in his hand with a .44, along with most of his hand?

You can't make this stuff up!!
a clear illustration of the superiority of white people, texas, and 'mericuh.

I read this reason quite often. Americans own guns as a way of ensuring that no undemocratic or tyrannical government can take power by force..... So, a regime that has the brute force to take power from the government and armed forces of the USA (the worlds only superpower) will be stopped by motley crews of citizens and their collections of firearms??? SUCH A STUPID ARGUMENT!!! This argument was relevant during the Revolutionary Period and the War of 1812 era. But, already by the Spanish-American War, technological advances had rendered the self-armed, community group militia's obsolete. WHY SHOULD THE PEOPLE WHO DISLIKE GUNS HAVE TO SHARE COMMUNITIES WTH PEOPLE WHO ARE IRRESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO OWN THEM? I do not expect anyone to have to breath my smoke. If they don't smoke it is unfair for my cigarette to pollute the air they breath - so I smoke where it will not affect them. Likewise, people with a more balanced and mature attitude towards the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, the people who understand that, for every criminal act that is prevented by a citizen with a private weapon, there are dozens of accidents and 'rage' crimes caused by psychological effects of gun ownership on otherwise law abiding people. WHY SHOULD THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO LIVE THEIR LIVES WITH THE CONSTANT FEAR THAT SOME OF THEIR NEIGHBOURS OWN POTENTIALLY LETHAL TOYS??? A STREET WITH TEN HOUSES. IN ONE OF THE HOUSES THE OWNER KEEPS A TIGER. IF ANYTHING WENT WRONG THIS CREATURE COULD HURT OR KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO WERE MATURE AND CONSIDERATE ENOUGH TO NEVER BRING SUCH AN ANIMAL INTO A COMMUN ITY WITH CHILDREN. Many of the neighbours would like the Tiger to be removed.... but if an undemocratic and tyrannical government took power, against the wishes of the people, this Tiger could serve as a valuable weapon in the defence of the nation. "It is the right of every citizen to own a tiger.... "Riots broke out in Mississippi after the State Senate attempted to limit Tiger ownership to one per month.... "Georgia fails in attempt to ban PCP/Steroid Tiger food..... THERE IS NOT A GROUP OF GOOD PEOPLE and A GROUP OF BAD PEOPLE (like the 'goodies and baddies' in old movies. Sometimes law abiding people have break downs and act out of character. The NRA likes to put people in one of these two distinct categories. "Let's arm school teachers". What happens if one of these teachers loses control....? People are too complicated, too unpredictable to think that gun ownership can exist without gun crime. For a person who has lost everything and is bitter at the world leaving this life in a bullet fuelled blaze of glory is a powerful incentive.
Let's ban the private ownership of tigers.
Sending your wife to work while you troll the web is apparently another viable option.

i make more than my wife makes from her job and her investments combined.

spandies work best when there is an ocean separating them.
i make more than my wife makes from her job and her investments combined.

spandies work best when there is an ocean separating them.

Tax free too!!! It is awesome to not have to actually shell out any actual money to fund all the lefty giveaways you so adore!!!!
Tax free too!!! It is awesome to not have to actually shell out any actual money to fund all the lefty giveaways you so adore!!!!

thankfully, the law has changed here in oregon and i can now sell my product fully legally, without any of the wink wink nonsense we have now.

if you think this will cause my income to go anywhere but up, you are sadly mistaken my social security sucking amiga.

by the way, thank the democrats once again for moving forward with ending the drug war.
Florida. The shooter was a retired police captain, you know, one of the guys you lefties seem to idolize and call "professional".

The shooting in question happened in Colorado.

The public gets its first glimpse of James Holmes, 24, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting during his initial court appearance Monday, July 23. With his hair dyed reddish-orange, Holmes, here with public defender Tamara Brady, showed little emotion. He is accused of opening fire in a movie theater Friday, July 20, in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 people and wounding 58 others. More photos: Mourning the victims of the Colorado theater massacre

I don't understand how one can say if there wasn't one or more armed persons in this theater that the outcome would have not been better.
WTF, there are several of these, unrelated and the Bat man guy is not the discussion.

One ex-cop got a box of popcorn tossed in his face, and had a PTSD breakdown, over texting after the lights went down. For Cops the next thing after a ruse, is gunfire, at them.

So, he has un-diag PTSD, and should not be murdering civilians in a theater by over reaction. And the dead guy should know better than to toss a box of popcorn in an altercation. I would be very provoked and instantly break his nose. But, for me, I would have already factored the popcorn.

People telegraph everything. That is the real basis of martial arts. And I am a very quick fist, for no distance, I know and practice the, Zero inch punch. And don't think gun against popcorn, ever. But, he gets hit in the toss.

So there is that one and the nut Bat Man case. Two different things. And neither indicate a thing but that nut jobs are among us.

Says we need more guns, not less. We need self defense training against bullies from 1st grade.
Or more Rocks. LOL

And the discussion is about banning guns makes safer world. Relevant ???? I'd say so.

I think the people of the Ukraine wished they had had a more liberal gun laws. I think gun ownership over there is 1 in a 100 and you must have a proven need for the gun, similar to carry lots of money, hunting, etc.

Don't think for a minute that our owning guns didn't stop invasions it has. Hunters armed in the US if they were an army they would be the largest army in the world.
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