gunna try cloning tonight


Well-Known Member
I had a strawberry cough i put into flower to sex its been ten days thats where i got these cuttings from i kno it will take awHile for get back into veg but thats fine i have nothing but time, remember this is my first time cloning i usually just grow clone not make em lol



Well-Known Member
Good job man!

I just started my mini-perpetual grow and just started getting into cloning on a regular basis since. You can check it out here:

It is very humid where I live so I cannot use root plugs, so I use a fogger dome instead. Great success so far. ;)

Keep it up!



Well-Known Member
Good job man!

I just started my mini-perpetual grow and just started getting into cloning on a regular basis since. You can check it out here:

It is very humid where I live so I cannot use root plugs, so I use a fogger dome instead. Great success so far. ;)

Keep it up!
Nice man ya ive read that thread good shit im working on my perpetual grow now i have three girls all a weeks apart oldest at a month all in flower and if these root will have clones and im getting a another clone tomorrow that will be put into flower in three weeks so ill be able to harvest every two weeks or so i get all my clones from my mentor so he knos how old amd how big to give me


Well-Known Member
It's not that hard don't freak about it cut them, stick them under some with cfl and spray the dome for seven days..and keep it warm