Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

thats some news i wanted to hear. I live right around SF and heard he was getting off clean, which would have been disgusting.
WOW, Maybe justice WILL be serve for once! Hopefully this will bring an end to any civil unrest. I was NOT looking forward to a repeat of '92.
hell yea pigs get away with too much shit, i mean come on, shot him thru his spine off the ground into is stomach, then they cuffed a dead body, and took em off once the news came, thats disgusting,
The prosecutor is getting a little greedy with the murder charge. The best they can do is manslaughter and they know it. The prosecutor is thinking about the next election and running wild. Overcharging someone leads to acquittals all the time and makes matters inexorably worse.
[quote="SICC";1913902]thats why we need to kill ALL cops, any family members and or friends[/quote]

I hope that was sarcasm... if not, you sir, are an idiot. :wall:

I'm glad the officer was arrested and finally brought before a judge, he did do wrong, even though it was most likely a mistake... he must be punished.
I hope that was sarcasm... if not, you sir, are an idiot. :wall:

I'm glad the officer was arrested and finally brought before a judge, he did do wrong, even though it was most likely a mistake... he must be punished.

I don't know if he's an idiot or not. How likely are you to commit a crime if your whole family and everyone you know pays for your actions? Some people don't give a shit about themselves, but care deeply for their families and friends.
[quote="SICC";1913902]thats why we need to kill ALL cops, any family members and or friends[/quote]
I really hope you are just TRYING to be funny, cause it isn't....
There are a lot of people that post out here that are a family member of leo, me included....
That was a really dumb comment SICC.:evil:
Ok so self defense.....They do not point weapons at me and we are OK. But having been personally beaten' down by the pigs........Self defense.
This is good news. This person is a pretty cowardly cop, he didn't show any respect for the person he killed by explaining what happened, nor did he show any remorse.
He'd deserve to do time for murder in my opinion.
I firmly believe the cop is an idiot who like a dumb ass pulled out his gun unnecessarily and accidently let a round go. He had nothing to gain by talking and the prosecutor going after a charge that will never stick is just going to piss people off when they don't get a conviction. This stupid charge is going to lead to another 92 riot, probably much worse. The prosecutor just gave the people unrealistic expectations and they will feel cheated with anything less.
I had a friend that was shoot on friday over 3 quarters shoot 3 times died the next mornin in the hospital over weed! Seriously what is this world coming to