Guns and weed now that we’re rec legal

My own personal experience with this one and direct from the source inputs are as follows.

I’ve had police in my grow 6 times now. Various reasons. 3 early on. And 3 over last handful of years. Every time they asked “do I smell a grow? Can I check it out?” And it’s always gone smooth. I have that magic little
3 letter card that says I can hide my defense item if you know what I mean. It’s always gone smooth.

Friend of mine got caught with 15oz and a German plastic quiet pill dispenser made by Gaston. 4 magazines. And that same magic card that says he can have it. He’s a maxed caregiver and a patient himself. Legal to have 15. Was a normal traffic stop. Cop took the meds and the glock and mags and said he would be in touch. Tried telling him he was illegal. Next morning cop calls him and says “come get your shit” and when he got there the officer said “you patients really worded that law right so you don’t lose any rights.” And gave it all back.

Does that mean if Feds come in they aren’t gonna try and stack every possible charge they can including possession of a firearm while in commission of a felony? No they will stack and stack and stack. It’s what they do. Although the little faggy named drug task forces have connections to the dea and the feds it’s rare it’s the feds coming for ya. They got bigger fish to fry. Your some kind of hot shot king pin filling your mattress up they might come knocking. Your some small time caregiver keepin food on the table and not shaking up the system they won’t even write your name down.

Is it more of a risk to run a cpl and a med card together? Personally I’ve always had wayyyyyy better luck having a cpl. officers know you can pass an fbi background check if you have that card. As one officer put it to me “that means your a card carrying member of the good guys club”. Does that mean your invincible? No. I still rarely bring anything with me if I’m going to a patients. No reason to push your luck.

The case most point too is the father son case that had guns involved and they got a buncha time. They also had 2 caregivers stacked up and 144 plants. That’ll getcha that knock from the feds. It’s very grey area. Hard to actually give any advice cause it’s really not a concrete set of laws.

On a good note. Saw a Michigan state police court officer buying a one hitter not long ago at grow shop wearing close with the crest on it and his vehicle was all marked up. That gives me hope lol.
the cpl form doesnt even ask about weed anymore. i think that might be their way of throwing us a bone without directly coming out and saying "its ok for you guys to carry now". if youre worried, get the cpl first
med card info is protected by hipaa laws. no one, not even the law, can access it without your authorization. likewise, medical professionals cant access your legal info

There are now 18 States that have legalized marijuana, but that legalization may also be the loophole anti-gun advocates have been looking for. Even though you can legally possess and smoke marijuana in the State of New York, the Federal Government still considers it a narcotic drug, and that may affect your ability to own a firearm.

"In New York State it is legal to consume marijuana, but technically the federal government is now going to prohibit you from possessing a firearm because you’re using a drug that’s on their list of prohibited substances."

Oneida County Sheriff Rob Maciol has plenty of questions surrounding the legalization of marijuana in New York, but the Federal Government has a pretty clear policy on firearm possession.

"Federal law clearly states that marijuana is still illegal. You can not possess any of the drugs on the federal government’s schedule of prohibited drugs, or use those drugs and then legally possess a firearm."

You’re probably not going to see any Federal Agents knocking down your door to confiscate your guns just yet, but if you decide to legally purchase marijuana, there’s a chance you could be denied a pistol permit, or allowed to buy a gun.

"If you’re at a dispensary purchasing marijuana, and you’re going to show I.D., and your information is recorded, you know does that information make its way back to the Federal Government in some form or fashion somehow? I don’t know the answer to that, but if it does I’m sure there’s going to be consequences associated with that because the person can’t possess a firearm."

The Federal Government is already working on a number of new gun laws. We’ll keep you posted on any new regulations or enforcement objectives.

fun thread!
-lots of ’heady’ stuff to consider in this day &age!
Fauci on gun violence: 'How can you say that's not a public health issue?'

Regulatory capture is a form of government failure which occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances
the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. When regulatory
capture occurs, the interests of firms or political groups are prioritized over the interests of the public, leading to a net loss for society.

Is the injurious and corrupt nature of regulatory capture a fact of the matter, or is it a "conspiracy theory" now :eyesmoke: