Guns don't kill people, gun owners kill people.

Well, the gun lock ordinance passed. And it was only a light turnout. <yawn>

What! I'm outraged! I should have the right to keep my guns unsafe! Fucking government forcing rules down my throat! Damn them!

I could pickup this goddamn printer and smash the shit out of my cat, "fluffy". should we ban printers? saying "guns kill people" is completely illogical. The only words i could think to fill in the phrase "____ kill people" that makes sense is "drugs" "people" and "war"... but then again people make drugs and war.. so what it really comes down to is, WE ARE THE PROBLEM. haha lets ban eachother.

ps dont forget the lady thats trying to push these bans said that if you take a weapon with a stock, and push that stock all the way in, it makes the weapon automatic. hahahaha i cried.

actually the title clearly says guns don't kill people
