GUSTA's growery


Active Member
okay, so i kind of did this a little late, but today is between two and three weeks, i JUST put the fan on them today, so tomorrow i'm hoping for some sort of stem production. i put pics of the plants in a different post, but i'll put them on here to give you an idea where i'm at. hopefully tomorrow will bring fatter stems, and a new set of leaves?



Active Member
yesterday was the first partial day with the fan, and today the fan is on it a little more, it has been on for a few hours. just from yesterday it looks like the stem is getting a little beefier. there is a new leaf getting ready to sprout, but one of the parts of it looks yellow already. could that be from nutes already, or is that from the light? because i haven't even added nutes, i just have them in the soil already, which hasn't been changed since i started. so thats one question...second is this...

what would you say the least i could use is? once it gets taller i'm going to add a third light to it. but i'm just trying to get it semi-tall because in a few months i'll move it out doors. so. i'm just trying to have a good healthy plant by that time. the plant will survive won't it? it's not like it will just die because it's not getting enough will just stop growing, but be healthy...right? or will it actually die?

lastly...i think i'll put some pics up later of the new set of leaves and the yellowing.


Active Member
whats up folks. new day, new results.

so the fan is looking like it's helping, or at least not doing any damage. this weekend i plan to get a new and better fan from my house, so this hand held peice of crap will be gone soon.

this is what the plant looks like as of today. maybe some nute burn? no idea how though...does anyone know what this is from? help is appreciated.

also, does anyone suggest that i top this plant since it's under two 15w 18inch flo tubes?

give me your input though, i dont mind if people comment on here, i actually would like it and if people would coach me. i dont think i'm getting new lights any time soon, so all help other than that will help. thanks everyone. good luck to yaaaaaaall.



Active Member
small update today only because people are over who aren't aware of what's in my closet :) more news tomorrow with pics. added soil today though, and stem is looking thicker. does anyone have answers to my questions?


Active Member
alright, so several days later, here i am.

got a new fan, an actual one, not a handheld piece of crap. new leaves came in. no NEW signs of nute burn or nute deficiency since i put in the new we'll see how long that lasts.

new couple set of leaves in the middle...maybe these will have nute burn? if not...i think i'm alright.

first set of nice leaves in the middle had five leaves...developing one now has seven...9 on the next one.

also considering when to move to a new plant.

patience is key.

how are they looking?



Active Member
today i topped the plant. not too sure YET if that was a good idea, but i suppose i'll be able to tell in time. i just figured it would be the smartest thing i could do while using such a weak light. if ANYONE wants to give me some input, that would be great...considering i've never done this before and am a complete noob. or just sit back, watch...and laugh.

here are the pics of the topping...we'll see later today or tomorrow if that was a good or bad choice or not....

maybe today or tomorrow i'll get some nutes for the plant. from what i've heard, fish emulsion is pretty good provider of nitrogen, so i'll probably get that for the veg state. also i am thinking that i need to transplant into a different pot here pretty quick, so i'll be doing that shortly as well.



Active Member
okay, so several days later, after topping, and NOW, also moving into a bigger pot, the plant seems to be stressed. the leaves at first went droopy, then turned are starting to green out. when i transplanted into a new pot, the roots seemed very large and healthy, i hope that the plant doesn't die now. the fan i think was making the plant too cold, so for the time being i have it shut off, with the plant "baking" under by two 15w flo tubes. my buddy just got a MH light, so it'll be going under that soon. the spot where i topped it seems to be included.



Active Member
today. small pic update. i'm impatient. if anyone sees this, will you give an input on how the plant looks? i have never done this before, and if you can one is really commenting in here. i need pointers!


Well-Known Member
hey man im kinda new to this too and man noone comenting you thats wierd , hey man im pullin up a seat keep the updates comin plant looks good to me by the way


Active Member
hahaha, nice thanks man, i'll keep an eye on yours too. i'll post a pic of my setup. it's super weak so it should be interesting to see how my setup goes. by the that pic in your thing your plant? thats crazy if your leaves are that color..thats crazy


Well-Known Member
yeah it is my plant but i wish it was that color also is a color effect my camera hhaha nad yeah man id like to see the progress man.


Active Member
Hey man--did you ever get much feedback? I'd say, on the outside, as a guess, you might have topped too early. The plant seemed a little reluctant to take off in a hurry, then I think pruning it like that sort of interrupted the development at a crucial stage. Did you read anything about TERMINAL BUDS in a grow or horticulture book? Plants have a flow of energy and nutrients going in the growth and flowering/fruiting processes. Snipping the top or end bud off a plant sends a chemical signal to try growing below the cut off spot. That's why you prune hedges to make them thicker and why trees growing in harsh sea winds always look tight, cropped and low. This may explain the plant's 'stuntiness', if you will.

I didn't read too much in-depth, but you said something about using (only?) 2 15 Watt tubes, right? The amount of light those are giving your plants is, I would say, insufficient. Are you moving on to more powerful lights soon? Also, what's your soil like?

I have grown a bit before but am very much a newbi/hobbyist, but I've always been a gardener, so plants make sense to me. You sorta sounded like you were in serious need of info, so I'm just saying what I know.

Ask away if you find this helpful.
