Guy With Gun

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If we did this we would fast become the most uneducated country in the industrialized world. Private schools, which are essentially pay to play, cost between $8k to $25k a year. The costs of those schools continue to rise and don't lower in prices like you said they would. The only the people would be able to afford education for their children would be upper middle class and up. And imagine if you have 3 kids going to schools at the same time.

And if you really wanted to help set them up for school (k through a 4 year college degree) you would be talking about spending $136,000-$425,000 a year. for each child. And someone that makes $10 an hour it would take them 6 1/2 years (at no taxes and every dime going towards school) to pay for the lowest end school. Just to try to better their kids future.

Pooling money is the best way as a society to be able to afford what is needed.
Home schooling is much cheaper than public schools and typically the kids far exceed public school kids in tests....oh wait I'm sorry forgot the state "owns" our kids.

"Pooling resources" is fine, as long as its voluntary. When its not it's robbery. Do you support robbery?


Well-Known Member
main thing about obama that is horrible and will sink him forever in the shithole of history is that he trys to husle, muscle, threaten & decieve to get what he wants.

very ugly and concerning to me. these are not the actions of someone you would trust, and not that acts of someone you would want to have even a shred of control over you, your family and coutnry

i wouldnt want anything to do with a guy like that if I met him on the street would you?
Excuse me if this has already been pointed out but the shitholes of history for bullying their points of view will lean republican Lets think of what bush did and who he fired for simply not agreeing with him for starters and we can then work up a list a few miles long from there. If you want past more relevant events to us personally how about Nixon and what he did to all pot smokers now and ever since by ignoring that report he himself asked for about marijuana and Reagan too and his irrefutable proof that smoking marijuana is worse than being near an atom bomb for your brain and bizak to bush again for continuing raids on med clinics and much more money from both bush's to up the anti on the drug war and if there isn't room in jails we will make room and what party affiliation was Harry Ansliger and what party put him in power and what party switched alchol probition to the war on marijauana and and and. We are criminals because of them and both were flat out two faced deceiving fucking liars and they knew it. Same thing going on today with the republican party, they know it, they're not dumb and completely misinformed on every topic in the world they are just greedy.

At the same time has obama hired all democrats let alone fired anyone that wouldn't agree with him or done anything to make your life personally worse in any way whatsoever other than what was already set in motion before and which hasn't hit your pocket book yet? If that's your "main thing against obama" let me be the first to welcome you to the obama side. Democrats were always on your side if you identify yourself as a pot smoker and republicans want to do things like this:

Georgia Lawmaker Calls For Caning, Executing Marijuana Offenders
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 22:29:05 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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[Editor's note: This post is excerpted from this week's forthcoming NORML weekly media advisory. To have NORML's media advisories delivered straight to your in-box, sign up for NORML's free e-zine here.]
State Republican lawmaker Tommy Benton (31st House District) favors “caning” minor marijuana offenders and “executing” those who sell the drug, according to a recent correspondence sent by the representative to a constituent.
In a July 29, 2009 e-mail (which was voluntarily forwarded to the NORML office), Rep. Benton wrote: “Thanks for the email. We will have to agree to disagree on this and whether or not money is wasted (by mandating the state to prosecute minor marijuana offenders). I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I think we should go to caning for people caught using and maybe execute dealers. [emphasis NORML’s] That would solve the problem as well. That is what they do in Singapore and they don’t have a drug problem.”
Caning is a form of corporal punishment consisting of up to 24 violent lashes with a long rattan cane that has been soaked in water. The procedure inflicts intense pain and deep, bloody lacerations that can take several months to heal.
Rep. Benton followed up his remarks in a separate e-mail on August 11 (also forwarded to NORML) in which he threatened to turn over the names of citizens who disagreed with his political viewpoints to local law enforcement.
He wrote: “You and your cronies want it (marijuana) legalized so you can get a hit anytime without having to worry about getting arrested. I have forwarded your email to the Lowndes County sheriffs [sic] office so that they can be on the lookout for you. [emphasis NORML’s] Consider this my last correspondence on the the [sic] subject to you or anyone else who shares your similar “conservative views’.”
Benton was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2005.

A democrat would never do this only a republican would and it's not that he's a bad republican he just isn't smart enough to think much before he says things many of them wish. Those of you who identify republican and don't believe your party is your enemy try coming forward about your love of mary jane with your party bretherin and see what happens. Sometimes it's harsh when you realize people you thought were your friends actually weren't but then change brings new opportunities for true friends who wouldn't want you caned and beaten or killed or imprisoned (all for the sake of money, power, and to win elections mostly I may add, very very trivial things to sacrifice peoples lives and entire futures for don't you think?).