Guys!! Dont worry about gun control!


Well-Known Member
I grew up in Canada. I think I was taught more about American history and politics there than Americans are/were taught about their own country. The education system in this country is a joke.

When your next door neighbor is a gorilla you are wise to know everything about him. We, on the other hand need not bother ourselves with whom ever you are up there. Nor, actually, do we need to know anything about ourselves as we are exceptional, we are the best and there is never a reason to understand anyone else as insignificant as - all of the other countries in the world.


Well-Known Member

When your next door neighbor is a gorilla you are wise to know everything about him. We, on the other hand need not bother ourselves with whom ever you are up there. Nor, actually, do we need to know anything about ourselves as we are exceptional, we are the best and there is never a reason to understand anyone else as insignificant as - all of the other countries in the world.
The sarcasm was clear, but unfortunately most Americans do actually feel this way.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever looked at how America stacks up with the rest of the civilized world in things like math and science?

We are the best. We are the best at everything, I am surprised that is not more commonly understood around the world.


Well-Known Member
On the bright side, we may not have to outsource jobs much longer.

Having a dumbed-down populace creates a huge workforce right here at home for the handful of greedy fucks that own everything in this country.


Well-Known Member
So you're ignorant, not just all Americans.

Thank you for making my job easier.
LOL! I'm ignorant because I focused on math and science instead of history? I bet I'm better off than most who focused on history instead of math and science.

You leprechauns crack me up...


Well-Known Member
LOL! I'm ignorant because I focused on math and science instead of history? I bet I'm better off than most who focused on history instead of math and science.

You leprechauns crack me up...
We do 14 subjects in junior school, 8 subjects for our high school and then whatever you want in university/college (we use those words interchangeably).

For you to be ignorant of basic world history or geography implies your education was not as "rounded" as you'd claim.

Ignorance is not an insult btw.


Well-Known Member
We do 14 subjects in junior school, 8 subjects for our high school and then whatever you want in university/college (we use those words interchangeably).

For you to be ignorant of basic world history or geography implies your education was not as "rounded" as you'd claim.

Ignorance is not an insult btw.
I never claimed a well rounded education. I spent my free study time concentrating on math & science...not history.

Does knowing history pay your bills? Math & science paid/pays mine.

You can call my 41 year old ass ignorant...I call it retired.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I never claimed a well rounded education. I spent my free study time concentrating on math & science...not history.

Does knowing history pay your bills? Math & science paid/pays mine.

You can call my 41 year old ass ignorant...I call it retired.bongsmilie
Apparently you're ignorant to the actual definition of ignorance.


Well-Known Member
so sweden doesn't have compulsory military service, just as i said. thanks for proving yourself wrong, stormfront red.
They did until recently, and their murder rate was at or near zero then. So pretending I was "proving yourself wrong" is just you once again trying to portray a clear defeat into a victory. Lame


Well-Known Member
it absolutely is my business when my kids are murdered execution style because you didn't lock your guns safely away from your mentally ill child. your right to swing your fist ends at my face. now go make an ode to rawn pawl.
So since you have no kids, it is none of your business. Thank God your wife won't let you fuck her. Wonder why she's on the pill? Maybe she's getting it somewhere else?


King Tut
Telling someone they are ignorant of something, if in fact they are, is not an insult imo. "Ignorant" simply means they aren't aware of it.