guys i need advice on how to grow in a closet...


my question is how could i use the closet to the best of my advantage and the most plants in there, how close could plants b next to each other, and how can i keep moisture and warmth in there please help i leave in the north part of the us very cold..???

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
All closets aredifferent gotta do what you can to make the space work. Most likely your biggest problems will be ventilation (heat) and light leaks. I think if you can afford to your better off getting a tent or build a grow cabinent to start off with tents are pretty cheap now a days. They are easier to ventilate IMO and are easier to to control odor otherwise you'll have to design some kind of similar setup through your closet door or something. I personally just have a spare room so I don't worry about light leaks and always leave the door cracked with a stanley blower on the top shelf blowing out hot air, I'd rather have a tent though really and the smell can be pretty strong if your not legal it could especially be a problem.


Well-Known Member
All closets aredifferent gotta do what you can to make the space work. Most likely your biggest problems will be ventilation (heat) and light leaks. I think if you can afford to your better off getting a tent or build a grow cabinent to start off with tents are pretty cheap now a days. They are easier to ventilate IMO and are easier to to control odor otherwise you'll have to design some kind of similar setup through your closet door or something. I personally just have a spare room so I don't worry about light leaks and always leave the door cracked with a stanley blower on the top shelf blowing out hot air, I'd rather have a tent though really and the smell can be pretty strong if your not legal it could especially be a problem.
This dude has done zero research. I spent $2700 on my grow because I did the same thing. Spend a month or two on research then come ask some specific questions.......

If you don't want to then here. I have a 1000 watt flower room in a 6x6x8 flower closet, I did zero research thinking a cool tube would work, and my temps got up to 98 degrees with passive intakes, meaning I bought a 9000BTU AC unit, ok problem fixed, then I had a 10% humidity, OMG plants where killed WTF then I bought a humidifier, sweet during lights on my shit was at 45% humidity, AWESOME, oh wait when lights kicked off humidity went up to 80%, OMG bud rot, so I bought a de-humidifier to combat that......... blah blah, dude, seriously, do some homework before asking open ended questions like, "How do I grow in a closet"

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
This dude has done zero research. I spent $2700 on my grow because I did the same thing. Spend a month or two on research then come ask some specific questions.......

If you don't want to then here. I have a 1000 watt flower room in a 6x6x8 flower closet, I did zero research thinking a cool tube would work, and my temps got up to 98 degrees with passive intakes, meaning I bought a 9000BTU AC unit, ok problem fixed, then I had a 10% humidity, OMG plants where killed WTF then I bought a humidifier, sweet during lights on my shit was at 45% humidity, AWESOME, oh wait when lights kicked off humidity went up to 80%, OMG bud rot, so I bought a de-humidifier to combat that......... blah blah, dude, seriously, do some homework before asking open ended questions like, "How do I grow in a closet"
Holycrap that sux. Getting everything dialed in can be a major pain in the ass and just when you think you got it something changes and have to start all over. I always just ran my setup a little hot and plants were okay but when someone gave me spidermites they flourished and I had to do some manuevering and than I got a little pwdery mildew from over spraying my clones to compensae LOL.

Do some reading on the basics online so you'll be better off planning. A good book I can recommend is Closet Cultivation, it's very basic. Seriously consider a tent or enclosure closets can be a pain in the ass, take it from me. 300 watts is probably not gonna be that great cuz I'm assuming it's a CFL? Have seen themgo they are great for growing but not enough power to really flower. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Holycrap that sux. Getting everything dialed in can be a major pain in the ass and just when you think you got it something changes and have to start all over. I always just ran my setup a little hot and plants were okay but when someone gave me spidermites they flourished and I had to do some manuevering and than I got a little pwdery mildew from over spraying my clones to compensae LOL.

Do some reading on the basics online so you'll be better off planning. A good book I can recommend is Closet Cultivation, it's very basic. Seriously consider a tent or enclosure closets can be a pain in the ass, take it from me. 300 watts is probably not gonna be that great cuz I'm assuming it's a CFL? Have seen themgo they are great for growing but not enough power to really flower. Good luck.
Right on dude, research is your best weapon, spend a few months researching and you'll be growing like a champ.

Sucks about the mites man, I'm into my third cycle and I havn't had a pest prob other than an occasional fungus gnat (seems like nomatter what they show up)


Global Moderator
Staff member
how many plants can i grow from a 300 watt bulb from 1 bulb?
Kush, there is a good answer to almost any specific growing question you can imagine right on this site - My advice is the same as others, read. The search engine works pretty well on here and you can go up to the forum section and starting reading the beginner threads.
Hit up and start buying books & reading them. Researching on your own will get you better information than any "fix all" solution you'll get by asking open ended questions like this.
Good luck & welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
Kush, there is a good answer to almost any specific growing question you can imagine right on this site - My advice is the same as others, read. The search engine works pretty well on here and you can go up to the forum section and starting reading the beginner threads.
Hit up and start buying books & reading them. Researching on your own will get you better information than any "fix all" solution you'll get by asking open ended questions like this.
Good luck & welcome to RIU.
Haha males grow buds too, LMAO, thats funny. Great quote in your sig man.... Seriously why can't I run across funny quotes like that!