Guys i need help and advice


Idk if i should ask this here or no nd if it's the wrong thread i apologize. So yesterday my gf of 5 years confessed to sexting nd sending nudes to a guy but says she regrets doing it what do I do please help me guys i don't know what to do nd I'm completely lost any advice will be appreciated. I ask this here because i have no friends to talk to
five years?, hey, w/o knowing more, i dunno what to say.
from just what you said so far, if she wants forgiveness, then so be it.
five years, u oughtta know if she's sincere in being sorry or not. done.
and i don't wanna go any further in this, cuz wow, man this ain't some
kinda romance advice board. good luck.
Yeah man I'm sorry ik this isn't a place to get any advice on things like this but i literally don't have any one else to talk to about this matter . And yes it was 5 years she started ignoring me from some weeks nd yesterday she confessed to this nd idk wht to do nd it's hurts really bad
Yeah man I'm sorry ik this isn't a place to get any advice on things like this but i literally don't have any one else to talk to about this matter . And yes it was 5 years she started ignoring me from some weeks nd yesterday she confessed to this nd idk wht to do nd it's hurts really bad
That's sucks man. How old were you guys when you met?
(Preface, I’m almost 40, married for 12 years now, together since we were 18 ). When people are young, they’re still developing and changing, trying to figure out who they are. At this age, you’re basically trying to get your adult identity and figure out where you fit in this world. Meeting at such a young age, it’s rare that it works out due to these reasons. She probably doesn’t want to feel “tied down” when she’s still young and exploring herself too. It’s common to date around when young, but doesn’t make it suck any less when your heart gets broken. Relationships take commitment and effort. Not everyone is on board for that stuff, or ready to take on that responsibility at a young age. Sorry dude, smoke one and take some time to think. I’d be willing to bet that if you asked her why she did it, she’d say “i dunno“.

edit : changed the smiley face back to an “8” for 18
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(Preface, I’m almost 40, married for 12 years now, together since we were 18) When people are young, they’re still developing and changing, trying to figure out who they are. At this age, you’re basically trying to get your adult identity and figure out where you fit in this world. Meeting at such a young age, it’s rare that it works out due to these reasons. She probably doesn’t want to feel “tied down” when she’s still young and exploring herself too. It’s common to date around when young, but doesn’t make it suck any less when your heart gets broken. Relationships take commitment and effort. Not everyone is on board for that stuff, or ready to take on that responsibility at a young age. Sorry dude, smoke one and take some time to think. I’d be willing to bet that if you asked her why she did it, she’d say “i dunno“.
DUDE SHE DID SAY THAT. She said i dont know y i did that. And the thing is for the whole 5 years when we were together i never even looked at another girl at all
Yea, it sounds like the typical: “I do stupid and impulsive things without thinking, because I’m young and dumb and insecure”. If she feels guilty about it, and doesn’t want to accept responsibility, she may try to blame you for her actions. If she does, it’s a major red flag. It’s probably not because of you. It could be that she got a taste of what she could have if she was single, and overwhelmed with the idea of newfound excitement. Sometimes a one of their friends gets into a new relationship, and all the friends start to examine and over analyze their own situations. When people feel insecure, they usually do really stupid shit.
Yea, it sounds like the typical: “I do stupid and impulsive things without thinking, because I’m young and dumb and insecure”. If she feels guilty about it, and doesn’t want to accept responsibility, she may try to blame you for her actions. If she does, it’s a major red flag. It’s probably not because of you. It could be that she got a taste of what she could have if she was single, and overwhelmed with the idea of newfound excitement. Sometimes a one of their friends gets into a new relationship, and all the friends start to examine and over analyze their own situations. When people feel insecure, they usually do really stupid shit.
Well atleast she dint blame me she said she understands what she did was wrong and she realised that after she did it nd says she doesn't want to hurt me anymore nd is disgusted with herself
That’s a good start but personally, I’d be concerned with the ”why/how” and “if” it can happen again. Infidelity can be a slippery slope, and insecure people who do stupid shit often have a pattern of behavior. Not saying that you 2 are doomed or anything, just be careful, and I wish the best of luck to you both. If you’re serious about the long term, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to look at counseling to figure some things out, before they become bigger issues. Relationships can be a rocky road, especially if you don’t try and smooth out the little lumps, before they get bigger. In the meantime, try to smoke one and get your head right.
That’s a good start but personally, I’d be concerned with the ”why/how” and “if” it can happen again. Infidelity can be a slippery slope, and insecure people who do stupid shit often have a pattern of behavior. Not saying that you 2 are doomed or anything, just be careful, and I wish the best of luck to you both. If you’re serious about the long term, it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to look at counseling to figure some things out, before they become bigger issues. Relationships can be a rocky road, especially if you don’t try and smooth out the little lumps, before they get bigger. In the meantime, try to smoke one and get your head right.
Yeah I've decided to go into counciling tomorrow so let's see
Counciling? Now i feel like this is a troll post. At 21 for a relationship you had/ have as a child. If shes sexting, at best she’s contemplating physically cheating on you. You know how it feels right now? Imagine when you catch her in another 5 or 10yrs.
your call but don’t say I didn’t warn you lol. I get it shes your first it stings but there’s a saying, once a cheater always a cheater. Move on. Do you really want to continue with that in your head. Being at work or school and can’t even focus cause your constantly wondering what shes up to? You haven’t mentioned having any other investments in her execpt 5 yrs of life. No kids no financial obligations to complicate shit or worth sticking it out and trying for. Your 21 hit the reset like xbox and move on.