Guys i need help and advice

She'll probably keep fucking around bro.. both of you are young.. you can try and work it out but theres a good chance that its a lost cause now.. 5 years together is a fair bit of time and will take awhile to get over..

Go ahead and give it a shot and keep it going, but once the trust is gone everything will be lurkin in your mind causing you to question everything
Idk if i should ask this here or no nd if it's the wrong thread i apologize. So yesterday my gf of 5 years confessed to sexting nd sending nudes to a guy but says she regrets doing it what do I do please help me guys i don't know what to do nd I'm completely lost any advice will be appreciated. I ask this here because i have no friends to talk to
She'll probably keep fucking around bro.. both of you are young.. you can try and work it out but theres a good chance that its a lost cause now.. 5 years together is a fair bit of time and will take awhile to get over..

Go ahead and give it a shot and keep it going, but once the trust is gone everything will be lurkin in your mind causing you to question everything
Yeah man ik that and that sucks
You can't meet a 15yo girl and expect a relationship for life at that age.A woman simply is going to crave experiencing other guys,it's not you it's just something they have to do.When a woman gets the adventure thing out of her system she is ready for a commitment at that point. Don't sweat it,it's just how life goes man. She did fess up,so that's something to consider.Were she really evil she never would have told you. If you want to hold's your call,hell your so young you could take it as you now have cart blanch to have an adventure of your own.If you stay w/her expect a few more bumps in the road until you get into your mid 20's at least. Only then will both of you be ready to settle a bit due to your life experience,most escapades that happen in a relationship at that age are more for the sense of adventure,"I'm young and deserve to have fun",than to actually hurt your partner out of spite.
You can't meet a 15yo girl and expect a relationship for life at that age.A woman simply is going to crave experiencing other guys,it's not you it's just something they have to do.When a woman gets the adventure thing out of her system she is ready for a commitment at that point. Don't sweat it,it's just how life goes man. She did fess up,so that's something to consider.Were she really evil she never would have told you. If you want to hold's your call,hell your so young you could take it as you now have cart blanch to have an adventure of your own.If you stay w/her expect a few more bumps in the road until you get into your mid 20's at least. Only then will both of you be ready to settle a bit due to your life experience,most escapades that happen in a relationship at that age are more for the sense of adventure,"I'm young and deserve to have fun",than to actually hurt your partner out of spite.

Well f'ing said ! So f'ing true ! So f'ing common......logical to me . I realize exceptions exist . I've aged and mellowed , out of the " fast lane " . Those earlier years however were the time to sow those f'ing wild oats all over the f'ing place !
The hoe shit is razzing ball busting fun to get a laugh or smile out of the guy. Your both babies in life. Keep her as a fond memory in life to add to all to come
Nobody said she’s spitting him. But imo , hrr actions prove shes not ready for a long / lifelong relationship. Im not faulting her either. I agree life is long and they are young. There is lots of experience in this life to discover. Heal and move on
"The view on the way out is way different than the view in the way in" - Simon Wilder
There’s only one option here… chuck the deuces.

In my mind she will do this again eventually, has done it more than she’s told you, or is spilling the beans now in a weird way to initiate a breakup.

All i know is the trust is gone, there will always be guilt and resentment if this relationship continues, and quite frankly she now has the upper hand.
The way i see it is that, the only time you can save money and work on yourself is when you single, get your shit together, man up, forget the hoe, start again, make her regret sexting some looser

and dont go back for seconds, or thirds or whatever
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You can't meet a 15yo girl and expect a relationship for life at that age.A woman simply is going to crave experiencing other guys,it's not you it's just something they have to do.When a woman gets the adventure thing out of her system she is ready for a commitment at that point. Don't sweat it,it's just how life goes man. She did fess up,so that's something to consider.Were she really evil she never would have told you. If you want to hold's your call,hell your so young you could take it as you now have cart blanch to have an adventure of your own.If you stay w/her expect a few more bumps in the road until you get into your mid 20's at least. Only then will both of you be ready to settle a bit due to your life experience,most escapades that happen in a relationship at that age are more for the sense of adventure,"I'm young and deserve to have fun",than to actually hurt your partner out of spite.
The way i see it is that, the only time you can save money and work on yourself is when you single, get your shit together, man up, forget the hoe, start again, make her regret sexting some looser

and dont go back for seconds, or thirds or whatever
I kind of have feeling like he’s not gonna listen to any of our advice and learn the hard way lol