Guys, I need some serious help please. (pics)


Active Member
I am approaching week 5 of flowering, these leaves are from 3 different strains. 1 is AK47, Permafrost and the other is a mystery strain. Each plant seems to be having the same problem. These leaves are looking awful and a few on each plant seems to be giving up and falling off here and there. 80% of the leaves look fine as well as the buds, but a lot of them are turning into the leaves shown in my pics.

Is it nute burn, deficiency, fungus or root bound? Possibly heat stress? I have no problem growing in veg, most of the leaves look great., but now approaching the critical stages of flowering I am starting to have major leaf problems. I grow in FFOF (nothing else), using BMO nutes with Calmag every other watering. Temps are usually between 70-84 degrees on average, RH is 50-60%, ventilation is pretty good with lots of air flow. My water out of the tap is 7.0 PH. I let it sit for 3 days before I use it and the PH to about 6.0 before I feed.

I feel like it's a single problem that can be diagnosed and fixed with the right advice. I hate to be one of those guys who says he's desperate, but I am at my breaking point trying to fix this problem. I've taken a sample leaf from each plant to show the problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Notice the yellowing on the one leaf, and the small brownish dots on others. Ugh.



New Member
would like to see the actuall plants but it does look like nute burn, in paritucliar you are using to high of cal or mag locking out the other and at the same time she is not getting enough of other nutrients, so Id look to your PH first because its likely multiple forms of lockout happening here, please let us know your medium and give us pictures of the plant for a more accurate diagnoses as this is just a wild guees without this information, your feeding schedule is also key as well. I will bet your PH is slightly lower then the desired PH for your strains, makes the most sense, check your runoff.


New Member
Going by what you said about your water being around 6.0 I can assume by Looking at the chart seems appropriate you are seeing the signs you are seeing, you must always go back to these charts, I can point out from your leaves CA/MG problems and lack of nitrogen, look at this chart this seems to indicate your PH is to low, also most soils become too acidic especially if you do not add dolomite lime.

My suggestion for you is to add 1-2 TBL spoons of powdered dolomite lime to each watering and then next time you should amend the soil with it heavily. (we are talking 1cup per 4 gallons - this is what I am forced to do when i use pro-mix) attachment 1643903


Active Member
Plants are sleeping at the moment but I will try and get pics tomorrow. They actually look decent despite the leaf problem (which is getting worse every day unfortunately) I literally just started using Calmag about a week ago because I thought it was a deficiency, but it's getting worse. I feed them BMO Flower Power (2 tsp per gallon) every other watering which is usually 3 days apart. I almost feel like I don't feed them enough nutes, but I don't want them to burn so I lay off. Water is PH'd to about 6.0 before it goes into the soil. I haven't checked the runoff PH though. What do you recommend for a PH level going straight into my FFOF soil? Thanks again.

Edit: Holy shit. I guess my PH has been way too low since day 1 of flowering. I'm thinking this has got to be a big part of the problem. Thank you!


New Member
yea man your nute regiment should have enough calmag already and its already present in most soils so dont use that calmag, common noob mistake dont worry bout it but put that stuff in the closet incase you ever do HYDRO in RO or distilled water...if you use tap also its in your water....too much cal can lock out mag and vice versa, plants don't need a lot of it so really back off that stuff.


Active Member
Damn! I will definitely do that. You're a good man. Thank you! So this basically boils down to a PH problem it seems. i wonder what Fox Farm Ocean Forest's PH level is right out of the bag.


New Member
its ph balanced right out of the bag, I have found fox farms is pretty good mainting proper ph you just want to water around 6.5sh - its good to add the dolomite lime by the cupload to just about any pot though ive found, especially for long term situations.

But yea whenever you have problems first thing, take that chart out, and eliminate PH from the list of potential problems...85% of problems are PH related


Active Member
Well I flushed one of them really well and then watered with 6.5 PH tap water, then I checked the run off and it came out at 6.0. Does that sound about right?

When I first flushed the run off water came out around 5.6. That didn't seem right to me. I had never checked the run off before though.