Guys..i wrote a little song for all of us at riu

tyler plse critique my swan song

Again, it's not a song, it's you just messing around. Writing or learning a tune requires the discipline to pick apart a few measures at time and drill them into the ground until they're perfect. It's slow going and often maddening, but that's the way to gain technique. You don't seem disciplined in your practice, if you just doodle around all the time you'll never really improve. Also, scales and etudes the necessary building blocks of musical technique, you should start there...
Again, it's not a song, it's you just messing around. Writing or learning a tune requires the discipline to pick apart a few measures at time and drill them into the ground until they're perfect. It's slow going and often maddening, but that's the way to gain technique. You don't seem disciplined in your practice, if you just doodle around all the time you'll never really improve. Also, scales and etudes the necessary building blocks of musical technique, you should start there...
:clap::clap::clap::clap: Bravo Bravo :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Again, it's not a song, it's you just messing around. Writing or learning a tune requires the discipline to pick apart a few measures at time and drill them into the ground until they're perfect. It's slow going and often maddening, but that's the way to gain technique. You don't seem disciplined in your practice, if you just doodle around all the time you'll never really improve. Also, scales and etudes the necessary building blocks of musical technique, you should start there...
Don't forget music theory
Again, it's not a song, it's you just messing around. Writing or learning a tune requires the discipline to pick apart a few measures at time and drill them into the ground until they're perfect. It's slow going and often maddening, but that's the way to gain technique. You don't seem disciplined in your practice, if you just doodle around all the time you'll never really improve. Also, scales and etudes the necessary building blocks of musical technique, you should start there...
U r right sir..i am doodlin after beer n weed...and yes sir i did scales etudes .n a whole lot more.its just that i decided to improvise my own stuff...i am self taught..mainly books and a whole lot of listenin.i dont read notes that wat u hear is years of listenin to all kinds of stuff.let me show u n example of a piece i used to play in my peak.note for my hero
Laurnce juber. here is another hero of mine.and yes i play this song as well.took me some time.but i nailed it. course i can never sound Exactly like these guys.but if i played in the would sound like both laurnce n eric are playing after tokin!
.but lets say it sounds close enuf..maybe next il post my covers
But cover tunes r a dime a i do alcohol induced.weed inspired improv doodlin.and i guess u r right.after a nite of intoxicated inspiration i shld sober up n work on creatin a proper structrerd peice!
..a big thanks to all at riu who had to listen to my sillymadness!.il work on a proper song for riu soon!wish me luck!tnks alot guys..i have tripped here.cried about my gitlfriend here.learnt horticulture.and made so many good frnds! u all...soon il write a song for cal it song for vgg..vegan ganja goddess.
And of course..somehow ironm aiden riff ideas are stuck iny head.and also metal fingestyle these fingersyle masters.i just get high n cook it all together..n mostly i use simple chords with open strings dynamics.thats it.
And i play these three songs as carbon copies..but youtube has a so many covers of these songs!why bother?
Anyways.mi got a new hobby..7 hour tantric sex with my russian lover!!pompoir.figs n nuts for beeakfast..weed..massgaes..done with her strong tounge swirliling round my prosrate.deep throat on demand..nurse e old man who cant move..n she non stop to see if i wont moan.and el list goes on
Id stick to weed n tantra guys.thats my last improve..unless weed inspires again
Anyways.mi got a new hobby..7 hour tantric sex with my russian lover!!pompoir.figs n nuts for beeakfast..weed..massgaes..done with her strong tounge swirliling round my prosrate.deep throat on demand..nurse e old man who cant move..n she non stop to see if i wont moan.and el list goes on
Id stick to weed n tantra guys.thats my last improve..unless weed inspires again
And she is blonde.and looks like e ultimate playboy russian bunny
Another major guitar god...he inspired my playing..taught my dynamics.improve.showmanship.exotic scales...wat not man...almost free jazz dont u think?
Anyways.mi got a new hobby..7 hour tantric sex with my russian lover!!pompoir.figs n nuts for beeakfast..weed..massgaes..done with her strong tounge swirliling round my prosrate.deep throat on demand..nurse e old man who cant move..n she non stop to see if i wont moan.and el list goes on
Id stick to weed n tantra guys.thats my last improve..unless weed inspires again