Guys need help asap both my plants in flowering

i think its a mag def but im not really sure. they are both auto flowering strains and one is dina fem fruity (the one the has the bigger cola) and the other is AK47/lowryder#2 :mrgreen:....but i really need help on what i should do for the yellowing leaves they are all drying up and it seems to be getting worse, i put some epsom to try and help the mag because the nutes i use dont have mag in it. SO ANY HELP PLEASE ASAP thanks fellaz:joint:


Well-Known Member
they look like they are getting close to harvest and yellowing during flower is normal so unless the buds are being affected i wouldn't worry about it


Well-Known Member
kinda hard to tell from the pics you need to check the trichomes with a jewelers loupe or pocket microscope to see if they are turning amber in color if you dont have one a less accurate way to tell is when most of the hairs turn from white to redish brown try to post some close up pics some one might be able to look and see if they are reddy
Alright bro I will...and I got a 100x magnifier only worried about the leaves they are all browning up and curling very dry

Undercover Cop

Active Member
I would agree that its normal to see some yellowing, could even look like nute burn or deficiencies because thats whats happening, your plant is moving around the mobile nutrients like nitrogen that are in the fan leaves and focusing them on its only goal, produce flowers and resin pods to protect the seeds she's waiting and wanting to make -of course we dont want to let her do that :) As long as the buds look good youre golden. But damn only 8 weeks old? did you start at 12/12 from seed? how long have they been flowering for total?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Whats your runoff ph? I think I just asked this in like 3 problem threads in a row.... Ph ph ph ph.....its frickin everything


Well-Known Member
how many bulbs u using bro? and how many watts are they? how big r ur plants ruffly? im always looking to improve and gt bigger BUDS:D,ur buds looking tasty mite i add!!!
i havnt grabbed a ph meter yet i need to jump on that tho. and im currently running 300 watts cfl....they are autos so its only been 8 weeks i have them on a 20-4.... thanks guys


Well-Known Member
The yellowing is normal. It looks about time to harvest especially if its autoflowering strains. On my plant I harvested last night all but 1 fan leaf had died and fallen off, but the buds were healthy. Plants start killing off their fan leaves because they realize they dont need them anymore and shud focus the last of their energy into reproduction (budding).
Thanks Guys I appreciate the advice...I'll post more pics up soon ....and I will be flushing them out ASAP because the yellowing and crispy burn leaves might be nute burn from a while ago and it's still in the soil