It's possible.Men have it so easy, peeing on your shoes when your drunk sucks, and smells ( i'm just gonna write "smiley face" here)
standing is not an option
Kind a strange question, but I have been told more and more by other men that they pee sitting down. I stand tall and proud while I go, its hard to do it sitting. How do yalls guys dicks not go into the water or touch the bowl? I have to twist my dick like a balloon animal and only let the tip stick out to take a shit.
I would ask people I know, but im not really wanting dick info from friends. Any ways.. Do you sit or stand, why, and was this a personal decision or forced?
If you have women in the house, it is only polite to sit. It really does make a mess over time, if you don't.
Or you could just clean your bathroom more than once a year.
I stand and urinate directly into the bowl, like the grown man I am
Anyone ever dipped the end their johnson in a public toilet accidently while sitting before?
Or when it slaps of the toilet seat. Grosses me the ef out. Never a good spot to put it.
Yea, fuck that. I even stand/hover when I shit sometimes in public restrooms lol.
I stand to piss, even with a woman in the house. I got a 4 year old that pisses on everything so i clean the toilet several times a day.
Don't be mad 'cause yours won't reach the water.If you can't control your own dick how can you call yourself a man?