Gypsumsource. Plaster of paris?

OK great, i wont buy em 1 then,
I want to make bokashi i didnt realize you could use activated labs.


Thanks man

Yeah weed growers are horrible at explaining shit when they get into this pseudo wizard stage that forums tend to induce. Em1? Aem? Thought it was something new,nope just more confusion to help greedy growstore bastards bottle the shit and sell it.
.... really though , used dry wall... smash it up , you can even burn it and then add it .I bet it will work wonders. Hell people will pay you to take it from them
Yeah weed growers are horrible at explaining shit when they get into this pseudo wizard stage that forums tend to induce. Em1? Aem? Thought it was something new,nope just more confusion to help greedy growstore bastards bottle the shit and sell it.

Aem is activated essential orgamisms or rather activated labs that you make yourself. Via Master Cho's korean natural farming recipe. You ferment rice wash for 4 days. Then strain and mix 1 part rice wash and 10 parts milk and ferment for 7- 10 days. Then remove cheese curd and strain. And you have lab concetrate. Lactic acid bacteria / lactobacillus. It's a soil innocculant with some nutrition.

A soil innocculant is introducing beneficial bacteria to kill off pathogenic bacteria and promote growth.

Then to activate, ferment 1 part lab, 1 part molasses, and 20 parts water for 2 weeks.

Em1 is a proprietary brand from Teraganix. Which is lab , yeast and purple non sulfur bacteria. They collect the pnsb from arctic ponds. You can activate a 12.oz bottle of em1 into 5 gallons of aem1 the same way as labs

To make a year supply of aem costs me less than $25

Bokashi costs me $25 to make 40 lbs of bokashi.

It's not watered down calcium sulfates, nitrates, and phosphoric acid that the "greedy grow stores" sell.

Learrn some shit before you talk out of your ass.
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