Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
Hows everything Gypsy?Man your thread grows like 5 pages= a day..I got the smaller buds curing and the larger ones still drying..The plant could have made a whole lot more but had to chop you know.Looks like i might get close to a qp.
Gettin shit goin in the room..sprayed the shit out it with Lysol and got it swept out real good and cleaned..gonna hang some panda film today and caulk some of the lil cracks..I cant start germin shit till i get the lil window unit for that room..gonna get it next week.Man i cant gonna make these grow lateral like yours!Gonna be awesom!Gonna do sum cloning too since i got the space now!


Well-Known Member
Woot Woot..!!! :hump:

so we have ignition...:lol:

all 4 lights are running in the new room...:clap: @220v...:hump:

I also got Satindica combo #3 planted in it's own eff/flow/drip set up...

The 4th light is over two 2x4 trays...

Now I wait...

Then when flowering time comes... I'll switch the veg/flower plants with the other room, that now has the 400w T5...



Well-Known Member
Fucc man i should have taken before and after pics of this room im currently modifying..FUCK!Man it was bad..jut a lil left to do.


Well-Known Member
thanx man..hows that clone/grafting ..the one you stuck a clone in a it still alive?Is that the one you put in the middle of the sativa?


Well-Known Member
Really well done GB!!! I just took down, headin over to set the room up for tree grow. Man Its gonna be nice not to have a ton a plants.
Thanks for all the pics GB. A picture is worth a thousand words
Semper fi


Well-Known Member
Really well done GB!!! I just took down, headin over to set the room up for tree grow. Man Its gonna be nice not to have a ton a plants.
Thanks for all the pics GB. A picture is worth a thousand words
Semper fi
Thanks Hemlock...:clap:

It sure has been fun...:hump:

But I can't wait to how mouch more fun they will be in flower...:hump:

I am just itching..:lol::razz:

Good luck with your new setup:clap:

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was BS...

I just said that I don't allow any light in my op at night...

I guess I have never had to see anything in there at night... it's dark..:lo:

What pumps do you check at night?

your Airstone in the DWC? Sorry if I am getting grows mixed up here...

what temperature is your res?
well im making sure the air stones aint getting cloged cuz the roots are so long thick and dense they have a 5 gal bucket full to the bottom

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
and im trying 2nd generation clones 4 of them in aerospring the res stays at 79.9 sometimes 80.2 when its hot outside


Well-Known Member
Wow, 10 fucking pages last night huh gypsy! I made it through about 5 or 6 of them till you guys started getting edgy, lol. I guess 4am debates will do that to ya. Any way, just thought I'd say good morning, lol. Peace TC