Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
That is an epic post right there, wish I could +Rep you, but RIU is being harsh, too many reputation per day. There's a lot of cool shit that deserves it!! :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
That is an epic post right there, wish I could +Rep you, but RIU is being harsh, too many reputation per day. There's a lot of cool shit that deserves it!! :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:
Don't let me fool you...

Other than my op pics.. most of what I post is straight from the master's gallery...

He deserves the rep not me... I am just a "copy/paste cat" :-P


Well-Known Member
So here ia another picture update for you guys and gals...


...I heard I rumor that I might be moving... in 3 months...

:roll: the perpetual machine comes to a halt...


...but not before one final push


...and by that I mean a full run to capacity...


:leaf:...I have started the clones...:leaf:

:sleep: I wait for roots...

:sleep: the mean time, let's take a peek at what I have done...

:-P are the moms, before I went to town on them...


and here is the result of scissors in the hands of a Gypsy...



... and here is the new project...


170+ clones...



Well-Known Member
It's funny, I have posted that video on a couple of places and it seems people don't like it...:o

NO ONE HAS EVER COMMENTED on it, in any of the places that I posted it...

But Oh well... I like it... :-P

:leaf:Keep Alaska Wild:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I know you said this was mainly for pics man, but do you mind if I ask you about some of your pollinating tactics? How do you do it and when? Is it the same for everything from cantaloupe to tomatoes? Thanks for your time and congrats on the amazing garden, looking really great!


Well-Known Member
Welcome once again Ladies & Gentleman...


...what we have here today is a quick update on the Veg room...


... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...


... now we take a peek at the moms...



... and I am sure you guys noticed the clones in the first few pics, but here is a different shot of one of the trays... hummmm clones... :weed:


... and here are some more clone shots...



... and I guess that leaves me with the Sunflowers, Thyme, Chives & the Flowering Basil... enjoy...



... and all of this made possible, in part, by...



... and this concludes today's Tour of the Veg room...

... I hope all of you enjoyed it...

...come see us again soon...


...the flower room just woke up, and I'm headed that way...




Well-Known Member
I know you said this was mainly for pics man, but do you mind if I ask you about some of your pollinating tactics? How do you do it and when? Is it the same for everything from cantaloupe to tomatoes? Thanks for your time and congrats on the amazing garden, looking really great!
No problem man... not at all...

I pollinated the cantalopes when I saw pollen in the flowers... than I looked for the other kinda weird flower thingy, and put some of that pollen there...

I used a stem from a bud that had just gone in the pipe...:o

The tomatoes were just shaken vigorously...

I guess I do it how Sasquach would hahahaha.... :clap:

Cheers Bro.. Hope this helped... but I am more clueless than the plants.... :-P