Gypsy's Picture Depot

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Hey Gypsy I just thought id post up the progress of this tree after week 2 for you all to see. Hope you all enjoy ;-).

Oh and this plant now has 3 x 600 watt lights over it and is over 7ft wide.


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Nice MBlaze. how long did u Veg that tree for bro?
Umm im not exactly sure but im thinking about 10-12 weeks since it was rooted. It was a clone cut from the previous grow but ive havnt bothered to look back and see the exact time. It only started its training in the last 3-4 weeks of veg.


Well-Known Member
Do u have a current journal man? Im really interested in learning more about this..
And how are u growing this tree? Is that a DWC bucket?
BTW man Props on that tree. Makes alot of sence.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
There is no journal on this plant because its not grown at my house, im just helping and teaching a friend how to grow a tree and look after it. It is grown in the exact same way as in my last journal which is linked in my sig. Its just a 15gal, pot in pot, drain to waste system with a coco medium.

Oh I will probably do all the updates on this grow in the following thread:


Well-Known Member
I think you could do it...

I am waiting to see of a 6" branch will produce the same as 6" clone...

I mean... if a guy can just count 1/2 per top... you could easily do the math ...:lol: and get your desired amount of plants and tops...;-)

But I am not sure it works like that... yet...:razz:

how much do you pull off a 6" clone straight into flower?


Well-Known Member
This is worth watching to hear Slash's solo...:razz::clap::-P:hump:


How about some RE- Veg FREAK OUT..!!! :o :-P :clap: :o

And here is the same strain... in Full Veg... without anything funky going on...:lol:

Noodles anyone???:-P

and another freak... but totally unrelated... diff strain in full veg..:o




Well-Known Member

One thing I've noticed about revegged plants is that they tend to take root super fast.
You ever notice that?


Well-Known Member
Gypsy you are always hackin up your moms and pissin your plants off man...

Come on...

Give 'em a break!


Guess its better to piss OFF your plants, than ON them, eh?? :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
yo gypsy!!

Found a w33d baron yesterday, he's growing in his friends closet, in his (the friends) parents house.

came to me for advice on how to control odor, then 1 hour later was telling his little followers to grow from seed instead of clone, because it is faster!!

guys like him really do pollute this space.

the closet is going out of control! you were right about giving it time, i'm thinking 2-3 more weeks are in order. the buds really filled out.

also thanks for the H2O2 advice... REALLY does make the difference!!
