H202 IV drip?


I've decided to add H202 35% to my reservoirs. Between 3 RDWC systems I have 151 gallons to treat. I'd like to keep the systems as automatic as possible. Has anyone tried an IV drip? Is there any other way you're aware of to add a specific amount on a timer?

Thank you!


I'm not sure I totally understand how the IV's work but looks like there are two major factors; drops per milliliter then drops per min. I believe I'm not even sure If I can order an IV drip line without a medical license but looks like 60 drops per milliliter and 10 drops per minute is the slowest. So, approx 700ml per day. This means if one system is using 60 gallons of water, I would like to add 30ml H202 daily. I would need to mix the H202 at 1:8 parts distilled water, then would only be limited to the size of container containing the H202/water solution connected to the tubing. The largest IV bag is only 2000ml so would have to rig something. Any better or simpler ideas?

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
What is the reasoning for the slow drip? Why don't you just add it to your res in the same fashion as the rest of your nutes?


Well-Known Member
heheh, i'm picturing an iv bag on rolling iv stand. like in House or some other Dr show 8)
pretty cool idea.:cool:
Now I want incorporate one of those stainless iv stands in a hydro grow:hug: (im thinkin for my airstone mouses)

btw what nutrients and adds are you running?:confused: sometimes that might affect when you want to (or more importantly don't want to) h2o2


Just running strait Jungle Juice at the moment. Its reverse engineered General Hydroponics at about 30% the price. Works the same as far as I can tell.


I'm running under current style recirculating DWC systems. The control bucket for the flower room is automatically adjusted by a 60 gallon reservoir. This keeps the nutrients and ph stable for about 2 weeks. The freedom of this is why I invested so much time and money converting to hydro. I've since realized I need h202 for the fact that, because it's recirculating, If one plant starts to rot it could destroy the entire crop. Not a chance i'm willing to take after a recent scare.


So, I'm assuming the H202 wouldn't be stable mixed in the nutrient reservoir that feeds the control bucket as the plants drink. And I'm assuming it really should be added at least every 3 days so as the H202 converts to H20 bacteria wouldn't have a chance to grow? I'm adding the H202 by hand at the moment but of all the variables, it seems this may be the fastest fluctuating and most important to keep as consistent as possible? I'm surprised I haven't found anything on it. As obsessive as we are as growers, seems like it would be a more common concern.