H2O2 Question


Well-Known Member
of course they can see grow lights man. thats why pigs do fly overs.. there not gonna pick up on one 400 watt hps or even 2-4 400 watt hps but they can deffinetly see heat signature from a good amount of them.

thats why you see sick ass grow ops under ground or they have A/C cooling directly on the lighting fixtures and there stealing power.. and the stealing power is what gets your caught.. but i have no beef with HPS. im gonna get a 70 W hps just for the fact of the "Far-Red" infrared light they put out.. and for all i know thats what the pigs could prolly pick up on..


Well-Known Member
of course they can see grow lights man. thats why pigs do fly overs.. there not gonna pick up on one 400 watt hps or even 2-4 400 watt hps but they can deffinetly see heat signature from a good amount of them.

thats why you see sick ass grow ops under ground or they have A/C cooling directly on the lighting fixtures and there stealing power.. and the stealing power is what gets your caught.. but i have no beef with HPS. im gonna get a 70 W hps just for the fact of the "Far-Red" infrared light they put out.. and for all i know thats what the pigs could prolly pick up on..
i dont think plants use much IR, i thought IR is aka heat! i dont think you could grow more than 2 small plants with a 70w, get a 400w. just my advice.


Well-Known Member
no your right plants dont use the infrared light but they do "see" that light and if other plants are around there also reflecting that light which the plants can sense that there more plants around due to the high amount "far-red" light being reflected pushing them into a grow race with each other.. i use HO Fluors 54 watt 2700K spectrum.

im gonna grab a 70 watt HPS to add to the mix for that 2100K spec and that far red light hopefully to boost that yeild from the "far-red" lighting.

True power of lighting.


Well-Known Member
"But I also think that you can get just as good quality buds from HO Fluorescents. You just sacrifice quantity not quality."

quote from that link you gave me! i dont see why you would want to sacrifice quantity? fuck the heat signature!!!! im telling you, you have nothign to worry about with just one 400w hps!!!!

no journal! i would if i could afford a digi camera(im really broke, gas and bills are killing me)


Well-Known Member
yea i hear ya on the bills man, fucking shit always keeps coming.
but back to the hps thing. i would grab one but i just grabbed a nice HO Fluor lighting 3 months ago and its perfect for closets. the heat that an hps would put off in my closests would cook my plants once there about 3 feet tall due to the high par rating an hps has.you need a good amount of room to hang the hps. i know i could do a LST to the plants but for now imma stick with the HO Fluors an grab a 70 watt HPS. once i get my own house that i own and not renting ill do a 400 -1000 watt hps.. 400 watt hps can power a 5'x5' area and a maximun area of 8'x8' so if im gonna do hps imma go all out and use its maximum lighting area.

also most of the yields ive seen from an hps is about the same as a HO fluors its just the buds are more dense and HOs are fluffy thats where the higher yiekd comes in but none the less HPS for the win


Well-Known Member
IR can kill your plants.. just like it gives us skin cancer.

Ozone prevents the large amounts of IR from the sun from getting to the Earth's surface.

Just a thought.



Well-Known Member
the heat that an hps would put off in my closests would cook my plants once there about 3 feet tall due to the high par rating an hps has.
i thought par stand for PhotoActive Radiation, which is a good thing for plants. also i didnt think plants could have too much as long as the temps were controlled!!!!!:confused::confused:

you need a good amount of room to hang the hps.
if you have proper venting(maybe a 100cfm fan would work for a closet, you might be able to get away using less) you could keep a 400w like 10 inches away from the tops and probably closer if you are using co2 and have a good occ fan going.

i know i could do a LST to the plants but for now imma stick with the HO Fluors an grab a 70 watt HPS. once i get my own house that i own and not renting ill do a 400 -1000 watt hps.. 400 watt hps can power a 5'x5' area and a maximun area of 8'x8' so if im gonna do hps imma go all out and use its maximum lighting area.
ok, do what you will, im just trying to throw my humble ideas at you! i think you meant to say that the max lighting area for a 1kw hps is 8x8, and even then thats not much! it would give you about 15w/ft^2. which is less than 1/3 of the suggested 50w/ft^2. a 400w will not grow much herb if you trying to light an 8x8 area, im not speaking from experience as i have not tried to do this. im speaking from what i have read.

also most of the yields ive seen from an hps is about the same as a HO fluors its just the buds are more dense and HOs are fluffy thats where the higher yiekd comes in but none the less HPS for the win
you just contradicted yourself saying that "most of the yields ive seen from an hps is about the same as a HO fluors" and "thats where the higher yiekd comes in but none the less HPS for the win"

idk im just kinda confused!


Well-Known Member
i thought par stand for PhotoActive Radiation, which is a good thing for plants. also i didnt think plants could have too much as long as the temps were controlled!!!!!:confused::confused:

if you have proper venting(maybe a 100cfm fan would work for a closet, you might be able to get away using less) you could keep a 400w like 10 inches away from the tops and probably closer if you are using co2 and have a good occ fan going.

ok, do what you will, im just trying to throw my humble ideas at you! i think you meant to say that the max lighting area for a 1kw hps is 8x8, and even then thats not much! it would give you about 15w/ft^2. which is less than 1/3 of the suggested 50w/ft^2. a 400w will not grow much herb if you trying to light an 8x8 area, im not speaking from experience as i have not tried to do this. im speaking from what i have read.

you just contradicted yourself saying that "most of the yields ive seen from an hps is about the same as a HO fluors" and "thats where the higher yiekd comes in but none the less HPS for the win"

idk im just kinda confused!

PAR is Photosynthetically active radiation. it is good for the plant but if too close its damaging. think of it this way. if your at the beach in the summer and its a really windy day. so you dont feel the sun beating on you.. your still gonna get a sun burn... say if your at the beach in the winter your not gonna tan as much, if at all. because in the summer the sun is closer to you.... PAR its a radiation measurement. just like lumens is a 1 foot square area of lighting in foot candles. i hope i didnt lose you on this kinda hard to type out..

and what i meant by the same yield shouldnt have been yield i meant the looks of the buds as in high trichome. so i should have said the quality of the bud is pretty close but yields pull through much higher on hps..

and a know fact with a 400 watt HPS......... it is recommended for a 5 foot by 5 foot area.. thats gonna have the best results from your 400 watt HPS.. but can be used in a 8 foot by 8 foot area not recommended by MANUFACTURER ..

and check this nugget that fell off



Well-Known Member
IR can kill your plants.. just like it gives us skin cancer.

Ozone prevents the large amounts of IR from the sun from getting to the Earth's surface.

Just a thought.

and this is a new study heres a few titles of articles.google "far-red" lighting . this is a title of one study and there is marijuana studies with this type of lighting that hps puts out due to its 2100K spectrum.. like you just said the Ozone does prevent alot of it coming out. but there is that light in HPS more then likely not even close to the levels the sun puts off... nothing can match the sun.... but the sun

Far-Red Light Affects Photosynthate Allocation and Yield of Tomato


Well-Known Member
they almost look dank....

nice dark green leafs and bright green buds. looks great for some flouro's bro.


Well-Known Member
1st time gro... 1st time dwc

this is when she was just a wee lil girl..sniff sniff:cry:...

i like your girl now. nice, plump, juicy, fat, sticky, and beautiful........... i need to go whack my carrot now, ill be back later. hehe

your off to a good start. no way would i have been able to do my first grow hydroponically. keep up the good work.:peace:


Well-Known Member
same here.. my boy thinks thinks its gonna be around a half bow but could be around 4-6 zips... gonaa be doing the flush tomorrow and cuttin down next Sunday.


Well-Known Member
sweet :D

hope your buds are tight and smoke is sweet.

id like to see some pics of the finished product if you dont mind :D