

Well-Known Member
Ok, for starters, the State Treasurer is already fighting the home grow provision, she wants it taken away. You're telling everyone you grow, or plan on growing, with your pic right there, although it's still illegal right NOW. Alot can happen on 2 weeks. ..
What happens when the Republican led Feds crack down on the states for not abiding federal law? The MJ laws get annulled by federal law, you've gone public, now you're on the radar.

State legalization may ease the threat , but it's still there.
I'm not doing anything illegal right now.


Staff member
You guys are like a pack of hyenas
You are aware new people are allowed to make accounts and join and not have to be subjected to your paranoid hazing right ?

Let it go
You guys do this to every user you deem unworthy of your attention

It's getting annoying and you're ruining toke n talk


Well-Known Member
You guys are like a pack of hyenas
You are aware new people are allowed to make accounts and join and not have to be subjected to your paranoid hazing right ?

Let it go
You guys do this to every user you deem unworthy of your attention

It's getting annoying and you're ruining toke n talk
Point taken, but have you seen some of the BS threads? Clearly spamming this site. Do Mods/Staff have the discretion to remove spam?


Staff member
Point taken, but have you seen some of the BS threads? Clearly spamming this site. Do Mods/Staff have the discretion to remove spam?
Report it if it's spam and we'll decide if it is

Just because something is annoying to you doesn't deem it spam

Use the ignore function for users you don't wish to see posts from

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
You guys are like a pack of hyenas
You are aware new people are allowed to make accounts and join and not have to be subjected to your paranoid hazing right ?

Let it go
You guys do this to every user you deem unworthy of your attention

It's getting annoying and you're ruining toke n talk
politics ruined the atmosphere of this website. we are just having fun. girls are smart and funny. get over it.