HACKERS REVEAL!! Climate change scientists have been manipulating and fixing data

Big P

Well-Known Member
Penn State Professor also under investigation...

Penn State Will Investigate 'Climategate'

November 30, 2009 02:40 PM ET | Jeff Greer | Permanent Link | Print
Among other things, the Watergate scandal of the 1970s gave us a great naming convention for future scandals. Take "Climategate" at Penn State. That's what people are calling the controversy surrounding leaked E-mails among climate change researchers that climate change opponents say expose the researchers' falsification of data. One Penn State professor is involved in the scandal.

The Penn State administration plans to investigate Climategate and determine if it needs to take further action, the Daily Collegian reports. A little more than a week ago, E-mails exchanged among an English university's climate change researchers were illegally obtained from a server and posted online, the report says.

Climate change opponents say the E-mails indicate that climate change researchers—including Penn State Prof. Michael Mann—exaggerated or fabricated global warming data. And, according to the report, some E-mails indicate that the director of the research unit in question may have contacted researchers and asked them to "delete certain E-mails."

Penn State officials, who will not discuss the matter, are investigating the controversy. If anything requires further inspection, the school will handle it, a spokesman tells the Daily Collegian. A panel will read every E-mail leaked and determine if climate change critics have any ground for their accusations, the report says.

"I would be disappointed if the university wasn't doing all [it] can to get as much information as possible" about the controversy, Mann tells the Daily Collegian.


New Member
As they are beginning to realize, this damages all of the sciences. The Global warming fruitcakes are polluting the field.


New Member
Global warming is NOT science!

It is just a bunch of fucking melting ice.

No worries.

You can all go back to your lives now.


The energy from hundred million year old sunlight can no longer exist anyway, right?

Big P

Well-Known Member
i remember when i began to realize god did not really exist

even years after becoming atheist i still somtimes caught myself speaking to god even though i was athiest

i guess i was so used to talking to him since i was a little child i did it instinctivly

talking to sombody i dont believe is even there

it was very hard to get used to not believing when you have done it all your life

i think this is similar to the struggle that the good faithed environmentalist will go through regarding this myth that has now been exposed to the light of day by a brave soul.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Inhofe Asks Boxer to Investigate Possible Scientific ‘Conspiracy’ in ‘Climategate’
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
By Melanie Hunter-Omar

(CNSNews.com) – Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, is calling on Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) to conduct hearings on a possible conspiracy between some of the world’s most prominent climatologists to, among other things, manipulate data on so-called global warming.

Inhofe said the recent disclosure of emails between several prominent climatologists reveal “possible deceitful manipulation of important data and research used by the US Global Change Research Program” and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”

He suggested “a possible conspiracy by scientists, some of whom receive or have received US taxpayer funds, to stifle open, transparent debate on the most pressing issues of climate science.”

Inhofe also noted that there appeared to be “a campaign to vilify scientists who question global warming alarmism.”

“For instance,” Inhofe wrote, “one scientist wrote of a ‘trick he employed to ‘hide the decline’ in global temperature trends, as well as discussed attempts to ‘redefine what the peer-review literature is’ to prevent papers raising questions about anthropogenic global warming from appearing in IPCC reports.

“Another scientist stated, ‘The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming and it is a travesty that we can’t.’ Still another wrote, “I tried hard to balance the needs of the science and the IPCC, which were not always the same,’” Inhofe added.

The controversy “could have far-reaching policy implications,” Inhofe wrote,” affecting everything from (to name a few) cap-and-trade legislation, state and regional climate change programs,” and the Section 202 (a) of the EPA’s Clean Air Act – policies that “will lead to a torrent of new federal regulations that will destroy thousands of jobs and make electricity and gasoline more expensive for consumers and small businesses.”

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol right she wont do shit about this

its a concerted effort and conspirosy i think, this must be the reason they changed the "buzz name" from "global warming" to "climate change"

because they new this data sharaed couldnt last forever


New Member
Sure. It's been gaining for years. that's why the Global warming folks almost always talk about the Ross ice field, and nothing else.


New Member
We would very much like to believe your claim.

Please provide any sort of scientific or peer-reviewed information demonstrating such.

Are YOU aware of what 40 days of warm rain does to Polar Ice when it falls on the Earth where it can as rain?


Well-Known Member
Are you aware that it doesn't rain over the Antarctic, it snows ... creating MORE ice ... shhh, it's a secret.

lol i guess i havent seen any footage of the ice falling back into the sea as icebergs? the titanic didnt hit ice as ice will only ever stay where it lands

not only that but if it were true that ice was increasing then there would be a definite lowering in sea level simple physics that one


New Member
Ahhh, but then you don't understand how ice works my friend.

When ice GAINS in the middle, it becomes very very heavy at the edges, and pieces break off.
Falling ice can very well mean the entire ice pack is gaining.

Almost all of the global warming data is taken from the square. Now put on ur thinking cap and ask urself scientifically, what's wrong with this equation?

Common sense.... use it ... it's a blast!