Had a package "intercepted" by USPS anyone with any experience

I sent a package through usps with some samples for a family member for review (10g at the very most) , everything was going as per usual with the tracking. Package said out for delivery and then boom message saying the package was "intercepted" in the city it was said to be delivered in. The message is the usual thing you would see is a package was legitimately stopped by the sender by intercepting it with the usps service, "This item has been intercepted on January 21, 2022 at 11:52 am in XXXXXXXX and redirected as requested by the sender.
From what i've read on the usps website concerning packages suspected of containing contraband they re route the package back to the sender and send a letter to the sender about a package that was unable to be delivered being able to be picked up at the post office X. They ask you for consent to open said package (instead of getting a warrant) and then determine the contents and then charge you based on this.
Now if you had half a brain and would not go to retrieve the package within 21 days, the post office considers it to be abandoned and then they can legally open and determine it's contents but it can not be used to bring criminal charges against someone but can be used in an investigation if deemed necessary (i would assume that would be if you were caught sending large amounts or illicit drugs). It say that it will be disposed of and any mailable contents will be returned to the sender

I'm not sweating it too much because i won't go retrieve the package, gonna act like it never existed TBH.
Just wondered if anyone had any experience with something like this.
I've sent it a couple of times before a never had an issue maybe just got unlucky
Worse case you get a year in prison. No biggie, take advantage of the vacation. Move most if not all of your savings into low risk stock options and you'll make a few bucks while doing time. This whole situation sounds like a win!!!! Good luck!
some states the concentrates are more serious charges than just weed.

In Oregon more than 1/4 oz of concentrates not purchased from a retailer is a felony. They define retailer as an entity being licensed in the state of Oregon. So if you get something in the mail from out of state you could go to prison.

They changed the concentrate laws just this year and probably due to idiots burning down houses and causing explosions while making BHO.
started the thread for advice, i knew full well i'd get roasted (for good reason) maybe i should ask for the thread to be deleted
he said he sent flower, not seeds. but still, 10 grams is not worth their time
10g’s. 10lb’s. 1000 carts. None of it is worth their time. It goes no further than the letter unless you call them like a retard.
Been a minute but their letter says basically, blah blah blah blah blah. Give us a call if you want to talk about it.

that’s it.

shit is pretty scrutinized coming out of Ca to other states. So i’ve heard.

it will usually get intercepted in Sac, as the post master doesn’t want shit showing up and discovered at other post masters’ houses