Had a really intense and healing trip off 4g PE

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I’m still processing it, those were very strong. I fasted and ate them slow over an hour, with a lot of water. I’m still on the afterglow. I could not move for about 6 hours, it was lovely. It helped me process a lot of stuff.

It was a really healing experience. Much love everyone. It’s around 24 hours later and I’m in a nice afterglow after a nap :peace:

Any advice for keeping a positive headspace as you come down?
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What do you mean by heeling? I want to try them but i have to grow them myselfe first
You have to grow them for yourself? You will find healing and knowledge. The same as has always been.
The healing part is fixing your broken heart and mind. Maybe even give you a diagnostic check of your vital systems. If you have an experience full of visuals that are stacks of coins, linking rectangles, sausage shapes, and processes of moving stuff through tubes, you may want to go get your guts checked out. Colonoscopy or maybe liver/gall bladder stuff. Some of this is better interpreted by some than others. Kind of like a weird tarot reading.
The knowledge is new info to you. Or perhaps an insight to the inner workings of stuff or the going ons around you. Others can help you with the major signs and point to themes, but this stuff is esoteric and occult.
No matter what it is, your experience is personally tailored to you and your experiences.
Penis envy is the only time I got slapped by the mother goddess. 6 g is far too much. Hualta and golden teachers are my fav

glad you had a good journey friend
I accidentally lemon tekked 7g of azure before, this trip help me remember what happened to me, it was a really good one. scary but good. If I hadent smoked all that dmt when I was younger I probably would have wigged out.