Had serious head injury, OK to blaze?


Active Member
almost 3 weeks ago i fell and got a concussion, my head was not scanned at the hospital and i was sent home. turns out i had a hematoma and it was creating pressure on my brain, paralyzing my right arm and stopping my speach. i was quickly flown to a bigger hospital and had surgery , im OK now. recovering nicely.
however at the hospital a physio person said not to smoke (pot, or cigs) as it would damage tissue and slow repair?!
like i said, its been 3 weeks i wanna know if its safe for me to spark up! not just "slowing repair" but wether something serious is gonna happen like me ending up back in hospital!
im lucky to be alive, but i want my weed hahah!
thanks, peace


Well-Known Member
Yeah def listen to the doc. I know I wouldnt wanna end up back in the hospital. Its hard but you gotta do what ya gotta do to heal yourself. Good luck to ya.


Well-Known Member
Only a professional dr. can answer that question for you man, best to follow the docs instructions.

Where's doc111 when you need him?


Well-Known Member
My buddy had a gastric bypass his doc will not operate on someone
that smokes at all. Same reasons your doc stated.


Active Member
oh for sure always smoke it pure here in BC its pretty well a crime to mix with tobacco ;) dont smoke that anyway.
well i didnt go into specifics about time or anything, it was just a lecture i was getting about saftety while i was in the hospital, there was no time stated and it didnt appear that and SERIOUS concequences would come out of it, i do wonder though. yes if theres a doctor on the website i would greatly appreciate that help lol

perhaps just smoke a little bit every few days for another 2 or 3 weeks i dunno.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Be real with your doctor. Go:

"Hey...I smoke buds. I love buds...I know my shit was fucked...but can I smoke yet? Be honest doc don't bullshit me. I'll sue you."

Ok maybe not the "I'll sue you" part..


Well-Known Member
Ask your Doc about intracranial pressure....I gotta believe that trying to hold in a big hit is not gonna be good for blood vessels in your brain. I would bet that eating it is ok. Ask your Doc tho, don't fuck around with a brain injury.


Active Member
ah doc is in town and i cant drive out there, not allowed to drive yet, and not about to ask family to bring me to the doctor so i can find out if i can blaze again haha

soo i blazed this morning, just a little bit. to be honest wasnt able to enjoy it that much because i was sketching to bad haha but im fine. because of the injury i get VERY tired after doing anything, so i was brutally burnt out. to be honest im still scared to smoke more lol
i got a little bit dizzy at one point, but ive been getting dizzy lots since the accidnt, just by laying down in certain positions and what not. soo we'll see how it goes im gonna take it really slow.
once again, if you know a doctor in your family /friends i would GREATLY appreciate you getting them to read this! thank you! peace


Staff member
asked my friends mom whos a doctor she saidcall your doctor if you cant go in theyre not going to critize you for smoking pot butits best to be sure.


Well-Known Member
bro, if you'll search for my thread.. about my accident.. you'll see that you'll be just fine.

If I'm able to smoke, after all the trauma my head received from being hit by a truck.. you surely shouldn't have anything to worry about man.

Seriously.. search for my thread where I typed what happened to me when I was 10 years old.. you may not even believe that I went through all

that.. and lived to talk about it.. but I got the scars and documents to prove it.

I'm missing the left front half, of my frontal lobe of my brain. I can't move my left eyebrow.. at all.. I've got all kinds of nerve damage.. and to top all that off.. I've got a "plate" (not metal!) that the neurosurgeon fabricated up.. (like a puzzle piece) to replace the left front area of my forehead, which is where the brunt of the impact was. Basically, the impact shattered the left side of my forehead (left front part of my skull was shattered into millions of pieces).. and.. of course I had to have something put into its place.. so they mapped it out.. and put in a very very lightweight graphite type of material plate.. to replace the area where my skull was shattered.

Not to even mention all the surgeries I went through.. I had 1 seizure, but the doctor took care of that really quick.. never had another one after that first one. I had MAJOR brain swelling.. to the left frontal lobe of my brain.. I was actually clinically "dead" twice.. but came back both times. Point of what I'm saying is.. one, I shouldn't have made it through all that.. I should be dead. But, it wasn't my time to go.. God kept me here for a reason. As to what the reason is.. I have yet to find out. But yeah, see if you can find my post/thread about what happened to me.

Once again, you shouldn't have ANY problems smoking bro.. especially if I'm able to smoke every day like I do. I have no problems or side effects from smoking.. except getting high/stoned. Those are the only side effects I get... ;)

peace everybody and have a great weekend!


Active Member
after a heavy duty truck rollover I had a bad concussion and smoked mu brains out...then I blacked out and fell down, split the laces on my eye back open. you can puff but dont fry yourself or you might fient


Active Member
hmm alright thanks guys, and thanks for doctors opinion i might do that.
damn sorry to hear that ganga, that sounds really fucked up bro :S yeah im sure ill survive if i do blaze more haha
just the pressure i had in my head makes me wonder if its dangerous or if bad things will happen lol.
thanks for the help everyone, after trying it, ive decided im going to wait at least another week maybe a few weeks. i can start driving next week so ill be able to distract myself, get outta the house. thats the worst part really, is just spending days sitting around with NOTHING to do (fuckin xbox broken! and not many good TV channels, PLUS i live in the boonies haa)
thanks again everyone!
any more medical opinions are welcome :)