Had to cut early due to situation w/police


Active Member
Sucks, I had clones almost eight weeks in to flower with two or three weeks to go. I had to cut early because I had an unexpected visitor show up because my dog was barking. Unfortunately my garage was open and a tray with some shake and stems may have been visible. Stupid me, never leave your pariphernilia out for prying eyes! So i chose not to answer the door even though the police stayed for 20 mins. knocking. I did'nt want to risk giving them a free pass into my house by opening the door. So now I have some half baked cut clones, do you think they will still smoke ok if i dry and cure them? The older ones were filled in pretty good with bud and the hairs were over half red. The younger group was two weeks behind and had all white hair with some bud growth filling them in. So anyone have any advice? Thank you!

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
sooo whyd u cut them, are u legal? and the cops cant search your house cuz some shake and stems are in your garage...wut did the cops do?leave?


Active Member
I didn't know whether they saw what was laying out in my garage and was afraid if they did they would want to come in. So i chose not to answer and wait it out. the cops left after twenty minutes. In the meantime i cut down everything except for two mothers in my panicked state. No I'm not a med grower, just someone looking to get away from buying on the street. Anyone think this bud will be ok to smoke?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I didn't know whether they saw what was laying out in my garage and was afraid if they did they would want to come in. So i chose not to answer and wait it out. the cops left after twenty minutes. In the meantime i cut down everything except for two mothers in my panicked state. No I'm not a med grower, just someone looking to get away from buying on the street. Anyone think this bud will be ok to smoke?
oh well since your not med, than yeah, it wasnt that bad that u cut, if I wasnt legal I prolly might have panicked too and chopped, but anyways just dry and cure em how you normally would, and smoke them shits! lol next time answer the door and tell the cops to go fuck themselves.


Well-Known Member
sooo whyd u cut them, are u legal? and the cops cant search your house cuz some shake and stems are in your garage...wut did the cops do?leave?
I have met cool cops and dick cops, cops are people, and just like the rest of us some are just dicks and might of wanted to come in to take his bong and what ever else just because they could see pot.

Dude smoke it! worst it is a bit weak but if you cure it, it should still be an up high, just not that strong so I would say roll a blunt:bigjoint:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Ive only met dick cops, they are just people, but that job, being a "police officer"... attracts a certain kind of person, a person who wants authority and power, and then you give those people with false senses of authority a gun? thats why MOST cops are dicks.


Active Member
Thanks for the help! I am going to take a long break from indoor and let things cool off. At best, the cops didn't see anything and I'm just overreacting. If they really wanted to get in, they would have by now, it's been a few hours since the encounter. In my haste i forgot to chop my two mother plants and was wondering if I could transplant them outside. The weather has started to get warmer here and people are planting gardens and flowers. Any chance of frost has passed and night temps are in the 50's F. i have a good spot on a property in the woods that gets ample sun and is out of the way of people. i plan to take clones through the rest of the spring and plant them outdoor. My question is that my mothers are on 24/7 light so how do I transition them to normal day/night light conditions? thanks a lot for all the help!


Well-Known Member
sooo whyd u cut them, are u legal? and the cops cant search your house cuz some shake and stems are in your garage...wut did the cops do?leave?
Federaly, Marijuana is a schedule 1 narcotic, leaving steams and shake out on a table is like leavin black tar or power heroin on the table. And you better believe if any law enforcement saw marijuana in any form they can legally enter your residence without a search warrant.

Its so incredible retarded that marijuana carries the same prison sentence as herion according to the feds. Yet, there are thousands of legal publications one growing, smoking, and cooking with marijuana. No way in hell would that be legal for heroin.

What a joke. I do believe that in my lifetime (I am 22) I will see marijuana fully legalized in the USA. NORML4LIFE.


Active Member
My mothers are on 24/7 light so how do I transition them to normal day/night light conditions? I want to transplant them outside soon, and eventually take cuttings then replant them outdoor as well. thanks a lot for all the help!


Active Member
My mothers are on 24/7 light so how do I transition them to normal day/night light conditions? I want to transplant them outside soon, and eventually take cuttings then replant them outdoor as well. thanks a lot for all the help!


Well-Known Member
My mothers are on 24/7 light so how do I transition them to normal day/night light conditions? I want to transplant them outside soon, and eventually take cuttings then replant them outdoor as well. thanks a lot for all the help!
I don't think you need any transition... just move them. They might not know what's going on for a couple days, but it won't hurt them. Moving them from 24/0 to outside for a week, then back to 24/0... that might mess things up a bit... but just going from 24/0 to outside should be fine.

I've never done it though, just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
My guess is if he saw pot and was there for noise you would have been arrested by now. On the spot, if he was a dick cop and wanted to enter for the noise particularly if pot was seen and door open.

So you didn't take down the mother plants that may be the biggest. That sounds silly? Lay low watch your exits and entries for someone watching you. Most likely if no call of contact soon your ok.

One time very late about 2 am on a Friday night I was blasting away the stereo and taking several big hits with my girlfriend just about to bang her. One time in 9 yrs the neighbor came over to complain about the stereo mentioning his wife had surgery that day needing rest. Knock, knock and I exhale thinking it's the neighbor so I turn down the stereo go to the door (with pipe in hand) and say "who is it"? Police,,,,complaint about the music open the door. I said one second I have no cloths on put pipe in entry closet ....I open the door smelling like a bong hit go outside close door. Surely I looked scared in a t shirt/underware. I told him I was very sorry about the music but we were celebrating an occassion and would keep the music down. I know he smelled me...no doubt because it was less then 5 seconds ago. He said he understood thanked me for turning down the music and went on his way.

End of story - fictitious story I read ;)....


Well-Known Member
I would just lay low for awhile. Keep your plants indoors and just wait it out. Your buds should be fine albeit a bit harsh to the lungs and the intensity of the high may be a bit lacking. Other then that I wish you the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I guess you played it safe. But I dont think the cops walked into your garage and saw some shake and stems. Even if they did dont think they would really give a shit. It would be a hassle for them to come back and get you for some stems lol. But I live in Cali. There not to strict on herbs here