Hagen Exo Terra Repti Glow 10.0 UVB


Well-Known Member
Good work on usin the uvb lamp. remember to not over expose them though. They are used mainly in flowering to increase potency. Good luck
over expose them? does the uvb light need to be on for less time than the rest the normal cfls?


Well-Known Member
thanks again to everyone who has posted in this thread, i really appreciate it...gonna b heading to home deopt some time today to get more light sockets and bulbs, gonna hit up petsmart too and see if they have one of those uvb bulbs
ill post pics later if i get everything setup today


Well-Known Member
so i picked up the 26watt repti glo 10.0 uvb light today, and some extension cords and light sockets cause i had an extra 27w and 20w
so now i have 4 27w 2700k, 1 20w 2700 cfl, and one 26watt repti glo 10.0 uvb


New Member
ah okay...whats the wattage...cus u prob want more than 1...or just more 6500k bulbs in general.. how many plants r u gonna grow again?


Well-Known Member
ah okay...whats the wattage...cus u prob want more than 1...or just more 6500k bulbs in general.. how many plants r u gonna grow again?
the wattage of the uvb cfl is 26 and its only for one plant thats ten days into flowering, its about 13" tall plus i have 4 27w 2700k, 1 20w 6500k
four of the lights(including the UVB) are above the plant and 2 are on the side


New Member
ooooooo ur in flowering already...my bad i thought u were just starting out...okay..now i see. ur prob good to go then i dont think ull need more lights than that...post some pics when u get ur setup goin well...i wanna check it out


Well-Known Member
so now that the UVB light has warmed up, its actually not as blue as i thought it was...just finished taking pics to post, and as i closed my closet the lights flicked off for night time, talk about perfect timing haha
uploading the pics from my camera now


New Member
hmm...well regardless if ur in flowering...then u want more of a red tint...i thought u were just starting off so i thought u need 6500k or blue spectrum bulbs...but if its more red thats really good.


Well-Known Member
heres a few pics of my little baby and her set up, nothing special, and i know i'm wasting light, i just havent gotten around to making some type of reflectors
and i moved the top lights up in the pic so u could see the top of the plant



New Member
looking good dude...ya im wasting light to i need to make a reflector as well but its hard when i have to move my lights around all the time to keep up with the growth...im still trying to find DIY reflector that looks good.


Well-Known Member
thanks man
i think she look soo naked, i trimmed her before flowering so the light would get to all the bud sights


Active Member
If you are a real cheap-ass, you can veg with red, or 2700k lights. It's maybe not the best, but works none the less. I know because I do it, but I only grow my plants 18 inches max in veg, so maybe for huge bushy plants you should use 6700k. You mentioned 190 something watts for one plant? In my opinion it should a really big, or really bushy plant, or that's just wasteful. Cause after running 200 watts for 2 months, and especially after price of bulbs etc. you could have just bought a big bag of weed, and been better off. Mind you, growing is fun, but it's important not to be wasteful, not just of money and energy, but of your time as well. @200 watts, you should be able to flower 4 medium plants nicely. A key to CFL growing is the fact that smaller plants need less light. In order to maximize efficiency of this lower light output, people have developed all kinds of tricks, that's why you see all these people S.O.G.ing, or tying down branches to make a wide-ass shrub, also reflectors, and use of mylar is common. CFL will always be inferior to HPS when it comes to yield, but what makes it better in my mind is the energy saved.


Well-Known Member
appreciate the input northwest, i did veg with 6500k bulbs and im now flowering with 4 2700k's, 1 6500k and the repti glo uvb bulb, but because this is my first grow, and my setup is FAR from ideal the plant is no where near as big as it could be, i know that, but this is my test run, just to see if i can actually start a plant from a seed and grow all the way to harvest...for sure i could have just bought a bag, but i wouldnt get the same satisfaction as smoking bud that i grew from a seed...idk maybe im weird lol


Well-Known Member
will that big of a light fit in a normal socket? lol im still new to all this, thanks for all the help guys
Depending on the style!! I picked up the big Home Depot Spiral CFL... it's a standard socket, and it is now the light in my garage haha. I ended up going with a Compact Fluro MADE for plant growth. Its self ballasted like all other CFL's but uses the larger mogul socket, like a HPS or MH bulb. Using it in my current grow in sig (waterfarm NOT AeroGarden) check it out, its made me VERY happy!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input schackleford, i decided against the big one, and chose a few smaller ones...she seems to be loving it, and it sprouting hairs and trics everywhere


Active Member
Looks good bra. I didn't intend to say you should grow bigger plants. I just intended to say with that with that amount of watts (with rflectors), you could have 2 or 3 plants that size and it would be more worth your while. But like you said it's a test run.
I'm all about small plants, I'll post some photos in the coming days of the smallest budding plant I have, It's only about 6 inches tall, but looks like it will be a vigorous producer. Most of my plants now are between 2 and 3 weeks into flowering so you maybe want to watch my posts in the coming weeks. I'm a budget grower using only 200 watts and flowering 8 plants, and hoping to get over 2 oz.
check it bra