Haha mutant


Well-Known Member
Why are you gonna kill it? Lots of times a seedling starts out a little F'd up, but they usually straighten themselves out by the third or fourth set of leaves. Let it go a while. You never know what could become of that ugly duckling. Might end up being a beautiful swan! Check out my before and after pics. First pic is how it started, second pic is three weeks later. Later bro.



Well-Known Member
There's nothing really unusual about this as has been said. You'd be stupid to kill it without seeing what it becomes first.


Well-Known Member
Don't kill shit unless male.. Last year I had a "special" baby that came up ass backwards (root 1st) twice..I just kept replanting it..was my 2nd best at the end.. I did an LST....




Active Member
No I havent been planning to kill it. Well..... Okay I've been more curious about what it will turn out to be. But this is the most deformed plant Ive ever seen. When you look at its new growth through a magnifying glass its real deformed and doesnt look like it will work, then a few hours later it kind of puts out an ugly leaf... lol