Hairs - no buds...


Well-Known Member
I successfully grew three other plants, but this one is acting strangley...
(I don't know the strain, sorry.)

It's 10-12 weeks into flowering - but no flowers(?)
12/12 with no light leaks. Not the best light set up ever but it worked for the other three.

ph is between 6 & 7.

Any idea what could be happening? Should I just let her go...?
Thanks for reading. :)



Well-Known Member
Poor thing. Let it go...
I successfully grew three other plants, but this one is acting strangley...
(I don't know the starin, sorry.)

It's 10-12 weeks into flowering - but no flowers(?)
12/12 with no light leaks. Not the best light set up ever but it worked for the other three.

Any idea what could be happening? Should I just let her go...?
Thanks for reading. :)

New Age United

Well-Known Member
She was seriously stunted, that's why the buds never developed. She ain't gonna do much trash it it's just a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of her and start again. Get yourself some good seeds from a quality breeder and plant again. If you have a half-way decent setup you can grow some high quality if the genetics are good. Some of my favorites are Paradise, Cannacopia, and Mephisto for autos. Good Luck Dude.


Well-Known Member
what light did you use ? seems low... i guess it could be genetics, but why did you wait so long? it should had been at this stage at about a week and ½ in to flower.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice guys.

The seed in question was a freebie from a reputable company (nonetheless a freebie).
The tent is definitely lightproof - the others grew well.
The lights were 3 x 250watt cfls (switched off for the photograph).

I guess it's time to give up and learn from the experience. :)

Thanks as always.

(By the way - not stunted at all - she's a big girl. I just picked one stalk for the photo.)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice guys.

The seed in question was a freebie from a reputable company (nonetheless a freebie).
The tent is definitely lightproof - the others grew well.
The lights were 3 x 250watt cfls (switched off for the photograph).

I guess it's time to give up and learn from the experience. :)

Thanks as always.

(By the way - not stunted at all - she's a big girl. I just picked one stalk for the photo.)
good thing yr others did better. I noticed yr leaves looked a little droopy and curled. How often you feed yr plants, just outta curiousity?
I'll add that no grow is a waste of time if you learn something from each one. I've had my share of failures as well. Take note, and move along.
Happy growing
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Well-Known Member
How often you feed yr plants, just outta curiousity?
I think I was feeding it every two weeks - or whatever it said on the bottle...

I'll add that no grow is a waste of time if you learn something from each one. I've had my share of failures as well. Take note, and move along.
Happy growing
Thanks man. You're right of course. Live my life by that way of thinking. :)