hairs stopped growing on the top. what should i do?!

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Youre too young to be looking like fester, luckily Ive got a solution for ya... im an older guy who HAD the thickest hair ever, a few yrs back it started falling out like crazy and I did a ton of research to keep as much as possible. You dont want to take propecia, its an oral pill that has lots of bad sexual side effects...what you want is Rogaine as one poster mentioned...only problem is its pretty expensive, I used to use the kirkland brand a few yrs back but they changed production to some shady outfit in Israel...after that it didnt work anymore, just snakeoil in a bottle basically...youre gonna want to use equate brand (walmart) minoxidil, get it in the three pack.. 5% good for three months...18bucks for 3 mos the morning when you comb your hair etc just use the dropper and apply a small amount and work it in a little on the top of your noggin...before you go to bed the same thing, takes 10 seconds and dries quickly...your hair will grow like one of those gia pets ;) seriously, it will start to fill in quickly and look good after a few wks...only downside is you have to keep using it, otherwise youll lose said hair... but for me its part of my reg daily routine like shaving or brushing your teeth, I dont think twice about it..quick and easy! Its pretty popular and is out of stock often, so I just order online, of luck!
holy shit, this sounds awsome! i will definitely be looking into this as well.
I gotta admit, i started this as a joke to kinda laugh at myself, but am getting great tips!


Well-Known Member
i know this m

i know this might be crossing the TMI bounderies, but i HAVE TO jerk it atleast once a day, sometimes twice, or else i spend the whole day thinking about it
3 times a day is good or it should get worse as your dht increases, its why god created marriage and kids to distract you from such things
consider paying someone for their assistance ...its cheaper in a group ...?


Well-Known Member
seems like only buff guys look good bald. ive been doing about 12-16 push ups a day. actually just got done doing 20, a new record record this year, trying to buff up because i know one day thats my only option is to shave it all. Ive thought about growing a beard too to supplement.
Do more of the exercise.

I had a roommate once that was very attractive, but started going bald at 18. It FREAKED the shit out of him, he thought his life was over. But, he's now (15 years later) a sexy bald man.

Just get comfortable with the idea of going bald.

Or save up for hair transplants.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Rogaine and start working out. Pull ups and push ups in the morning and at night minimum. You will gain muscle in shoulders biceps triceps and pecs. plus your back will get alot stronger.

regular and wide push ups. over hand, underhand, and wide pullups.


Well-Known Member
Note to u,, celebs don't make this hair loss acceptable, these actors can't grow hair, no doubt due to their age and increasing DHT levels in their hormones,
most is due to lifestyle and dna, fix this in the bud now or always be seen as gay, sterile and incompetent, at least as seen by the rest of the world...good luck


Well-Known Member
seems like only buff guys look good bald. ive been doing about 12-16 push ups a day. actually just got done doing 20, a new record record this year, trying to buff up because i know one day thats my only option is to shave it all. Ive thought about growing a beard too to supplement.
If one is totally bald, facial hair keeps you from looking stark. I like your honesty. (about the being on the thin side) but I think you are right to bulk up a bit (in the right places) As a female, I don't think baldness is such a big deal on guys. But I am more turned off by a guy who can't carry himself well. does that help? Wear yourself proudly man. It's all in the attitude. :-P