Hairs turning brown??


Active Member
A few hairs on my brothers plant are turning brown and dying, I was wondering what might be causing this, just in case it continues to happen.

The brown hair are found on two different buds.


Well-Known Member
It means your buds are ripening. Surely you must know this? You have smoked weed before havent you? Didnt you notice the brownish hairs? Sorry but I find this somewhat ridiculous........


Well-Known Member
do you have it on a good 12/12 schedule, also heat stress can force the hairs to dry out and lose the flourophores that make the hair white, exposing the caretenoids that make it brown/orange
6 weeks alive or 6 weeks with 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Overall i think your fine, just relax its a plant not a science project, you water it, it grows. That simple.


Active Member
pointless trying to help idiots.
First of all, I'm am not an idiot. I may be new to the site, but I have grown many times, and have watched many people do so. I can spot an irregularity when I see one. My strain has never had brown pistols this early.

BTW: If you don't like helping people (which I sense you don't), then simply don't help people.

Well-Known Member
Woa brown hair on pot! I would quit growing now. Just kidding.

Seriously if the plant is unhealthy in any way the hair can turn early and the buds can stay underdeveloped. I used a molasses fertilizer that fed pathogens who made my ph go way up and caused my plants to ripen before they were nice. Worst harvest ever. Check PH maybe.


Active Member
hey its a legit question woomeister if you think its so ridiculous why did you even answer. how close r your lights to your plants?

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe I missed what strain the plant is but it may be strictly genetics and it is likely ripening and it could be heat but that is hard to say without more info but if heat is not an issue it is genetics and or ripening. It is something normal, or at least in my experience it is.


Active Member
Woa brown hair on pot! I would quit growing now. Just kidding.

Seriously if the plant is unhealthy in any way the hair can turn early and the buds can stay underdeveloped. I used a molasses fertilizer that fed pathogens who made my ph go way up and caused my plants to ripen before they were nice. Worst harvest ever. Check PH maybe.
I checked my PH like you said and it is normal.

hey its a legit question woomeister if you think its so ridiculous why did you even answer. how close r your lights to your plants?
about two inches away, if not less. (CFL Grow)

Maybe I missed what strain the plant is but it may be strictly genetics and it is likely ripening and it could be heat but that is hard to say without more info but if heat is not an issue it is genetics and or ripening. It is something normal, or at least in my experience it is.
I have no Idea what strain it is, but I have had it for 3 1/2 years and haven't had this problem so far.

It hasn't seemed to worsen yet & hopefully it won't.


Well-Known Member
for f**ks sake you have brown hairs when you are six weeks into 12/12 what do you think is happening??????? I help people continually on this site which is why im on now, The ignorance of people just gets me annoyed at times. Just because your strain hasnt had brown hairs at six weeks before it doesnt mean it CAN'T now. As I said earlier brown hairs normally come at about week 6-7 after budding has started, well at least they have in my 18 years of growing!


Well-Known Member
Clover, your first post said it was your brothers plant, then it became a strain you have had for 3 1/2 years, which is it? I think you are prolly 18yrs old and this is your first grow, but who knows.