Hairy Balls


Well-Known Member
Can't pic this cause I'm having to look through a magnifying glass to be able to see it. Last night 1 of my more mature plants look like it was getting balls. Just one little one next to/on top of where the branch meets the main stem. I was going to chop it tonight when the lights came on but thought to check again. White hairs galore. It's hard seeing but it looks like the hairs came out of the balls. My second most mature is now showing those little bud/balls. Third most went straight to white hairs, she's for sure a babe.

Will you see a little ball or small growth that looks like a ball right before the hair comes out?


Well-Known Member
Yes Co1e you get a calyx before the hairs come out.
This will be small and look like a little ball. If you get clusters of these little balls before any hairs come out usually that means its a male.

If you get a single ball with hairs coming out then your good to go for a female.



Well-Known Member
Whooo Hooooooooooooooo. At least 3 out of 4 of the mature ones are bitches.

Man I'm getting me a cane, fancy hat with a big old feather and fuzzy multicolored knee high jacket. I got me some bitches!!!!!


Well-Known Member
tried bro, thought you were on to something. Glass way to small. Hard to focus. I see curly little white hairs though. No mistake. Man 3 out 3 showing female. I've got problems if this keeps up. Not enough room. Figured I would kill two, half males, I would end up with 4 maybe 5 plants. These were the worst BS. Odds will even out on the purple power and carelisious. Just watch.

newb weed grower

Active Member
i think u may have urself a hermie lol maybe it is possible
i keep seeing pics of them and well ur description seems like it but if they curled up then its just a male