As an entrepreneur with 4 businesses I dont find any issues thanks. Hows your economy doing?
The BBC is about as conservative as it gets, notice I spelled that with a small c.....Americans believe the BBC is Liberal (your version) because the BBC uses impartiality and reports on things like anti war protests. This hardly makes them liberal you fool.
Nanny state...? People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones....
Okay, whatever. You just don't like the idea because a Yank came up with the idea, not the tree hugging U.K. but that's okay. I have to admit though, I've never seen protesting here, other than the Teabaggers, like they had out in front of Parliament when I went to London.
Our economy sucks, that's why I think we could still use a devestating disaster to try to make some great progress forward. It's not that I don't care about the people there, that's why I think the U.S. would be best to help financially to move the people that are remaining, out of there, so they can get their needs fulfilled. As far as capitalizing Conservative. . . I do it because I truly feel that we have a new party system growing out of the Republican party that call themselves Conservatives, not Republicans. They aren't the far right whack jobs or religious zealots. They're more of a moderate group that really just wants smaller government, less intrusion in our lives, more freedoms to do what we want as long as we don't hurt people, and less government (Black Ops) spending.
So now I've appologized just for having my own opinion. Just remember that you used the words "idiot", "moron", and "fucking entrepreneur" first. I tried to stay clear of the personal insults.