Ak 47 mg soil and schultz plant food 10-15-10.Vegged for 3 weeks and flowered for 9 final product was a little under 90 grams.Sample bud not included.
oh fuck yeah that happened to me a few years back i was watering and i got it on the leaves than left with the lights on and almost all my leaves had dead/yellow spots all over them. now i try to be as care full as i can to avoid doing that again.
i love to debate with idiots because i crush every point they have to say
I dont agree.I use mg soil cheap nutes etc. and still have succesful grows some better than others.So i dont think that this is 100 percent accurate some flaws in your statement.
Well you are a self confessed troll. You only come here to try to cause dissent.
Look at all your posts, you just flit from one thread to another, trying to criticise, denigrate and even humiliate other growers, but have never done a grow yourself.
That is all you do - you have a totally negative influence with nothing positive to add to this forum whatever.
If anyone questions your non existent growing credentials you just duck out of the way, accusing THEM of trying to change the topic.
Welcome to my ignore list, I want to hear nothing more from you.
There is nothing you can do with little lights that you can´t do a hundred times better with the sun.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpMri_zmh90 wrong but nice try
i love to debate with idiots because i crush every point they have to say so they just try to drop it and give empty retorts everytime so how about you come back with a real rebuttal instead steering away from the real topic.
If MG rocks your boat, go for it, yours look pretty good so far.
Yeah, preciate it. I did just shot some Alaskan Fish Emultion to them. For flowering I have 14-34-14. I think that should do it.