half nutes? not sure, help


hi. i got the flora micro, grow and bloom and it says in the first 2 weeks use 2.5ml to 10L but i see everyone says to start on half strengh so dose that mean half of 2.5ml? i have a 20L nft so should i put 5ml or 2.5? then it says use 7ml for veg but thats over twice! so u can see im getting a bit lost here. can some please clear this up for me so i dont burn my new seedlings! thanks. also, i just use micro + grow in veg and swap grow for bloom in flower right? and keep using micro all the way through? thanks again.


Well-Known Member
well you dont want to feed your seedling. most people wait till they are a month old. if you think its necessary use a 1/4 strength. then at a month old use half strength and slowly increase there after


so i should just fill my tank with nothing but water? its just ive seen so many vids of people giving half from first two weeks the full from there? so just water? what are the pros and cons of starting with and without nutes? it even says on the flora guied to use from first week! now im really confused? can some other people tell me what they would do so i can see how many people here would use from start or not? rep given to all who give me their 2 cents! thanks


Well-Known Member
im sorry i didnt realize ur running dwc. you do want nutes. give quarter srength for now and when you see fan leaves growing in when the plant is about 6 inches tall which would take about 2 to 4 weeks after today you can increase to half strength then from there you can decide where you wanna go with the nutes


thanks heathaa, would give u more rep but it wont let me just yet till i give to someone else! yeah im running a new nft system. so when it says to give 2.5ml for 2 weeks, then 7ml. should i give them just 1 ml for first two weeks so its under half what it says or should i be following the 2.5ml and then up it to 7ml after two weeks? i dont mean to be a pain but i dont want to kill my g13 northen lights that i just started to germ today (just 3 of them) so what would you use in ml? for first 2 weeks? give me a number please! thanks so much for the help so far.

edit: was leaving them to germ, then when they crack ill put them in rockwool and stick them back in the dark till i get a sprout. then get them in the system under the light. with this system i have to use nutes so if you can give me that magic number to start my plants on, that would be great. thanks

