Hallucinitive Additives?


Active Member
Is there a such thing as an additive that makes marijuana cause hallucinations? My buddy says he is positive there is one, this is the same buddy who said CBN was a hallucinagin additive too tho..

Either way i want to trip, i wish i had some mushrooms.....


Well-Known Member
Salvia is legal and give you a nasty strong, but short mushroom like affect.
I wouldn't recommend it though I tripped I was a zipper. It was pretty gay


New Member
U can add a lot of things to marijuana. Im guessing hes probly talking about Liquid PCP that u can drip on weed and let it dry if u want to. I did this once and it was a bad trip, felt like i was in a nightmare for 5 hours. I kept getting up to get more to drink since i was dehydrated becuz of that shit and i had hallucinations that something was following me and i kept seeing it around every corner and hearing whispers and shit lol. I was glad when that shit ended and the next week i went back to smoking regular weed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but its really hard to explain being a zipper! Imagine a bible in a bible case with a
zipper, open at a 45 degree angle, and that was all I could see, as I would try to move
the horizon would stretch and move like the case was opening and closing. Imagine covering one eye and the side of your face completly and looking out down on
the ocean from far up above as you slowly float down held up by an invisible force. I
could see my feet dangling far above the ground. I felt paralized. It took me like 5 minutes to realize I was in my bedroom holding the door knob and I was on solid ground
I could only see out of one side because I was next to the door. It was actually pretty scary
because as I would try to move it felt like I was opening and shutting the world as I know it.
Also kind of exhilarating in retrospect though! Completely altered perception.
Just remember it is just the Savia and you won't die, and you will feel sober again.
Enjoy it, but I would recommend laying down and closing your eyes.
Salvia makes you sweat and it is irritable to try walking or moving, I notice salvia makes
my body feel like it is being pulled to the right, I notice if you lay sideways it makes it
feel way less gross. I only tripped the first time I did it and it was 100x thats why I think
it was kind of scary too.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah on PCP the angel of death probably was following you! Very scary!
PCP/Angel Dust. Thats how these things get their names


Well-Known Member
Really small doses though its like being really drunk and I put 7 staple through my finger
because I couldn't feel it and it looked like an evil finger. So it had to die. I kinda regretted it in the morning though.
This ones hard to explain too though.


New Member
LOL, i dont know about the angel of death and all that shit. It just made me paranoid as hell, but about 5 mins later i was to the point where i was so gone that i didnt give a damn if something was following me. Ur words get slurred as hell, it felt really weird to me becuz i realized all this shit was happening, a little part of me always stays sober lol.


Well-Known Member
a little part of me always stays sober lol.
Oh shit, me too bro...i never knew how to explain it b4 but that's exactly what it's like...NO matter how many drugs or alcohol i take there's always a voice in the back of my head that is sober lol and he'll be like damn your tore up fool. That's so weird.


Active Member
Haha I think we you've done enough hallucinogen's and you have your mind set on "tripping", you can pretty much trip on any drug, in this case marijuana.


Well-Known Member
One of my mates ate a 16th of my weed and he tripped big style and hung onto my sink for 2 hours complaining of the gforce.
Grow some great sativas for 12-14 weeks flowering times and then eat the weed in a yoghurt do not cook it just crumble the dry weed into yoghurt.
He was not a regular smoker so if you are use an eighth instead.
If you eat an eighth of a good sativa you will trip out i guarantee it:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
make sure you tell someone if your gonna smoke with someone/ sell, that there is something else in it


New Member
There is certain ways to get hallucinations on regular weed but there is a couple things to have u have to do. If u want hallucinations on just normal weed make sure the weed is pretty strong, and then have an empty stomach (nothing but a little water for 24 hours). Then eat about a 16th, wait 15 mins and then smoke a whole blunt. Thats a surefire way to have hallucinations lol. I dont smoke PCP, but i did it once on accident (it was mixed in with weed that i bought).

iblazethatkush, i probly have the same experiences that u have, No matter how much shit i do a part of me is always sober. and another weird thing is it takes longer for the high to take effect on me then on most ppl. Me and 2 of my friends were smoking 1 time and after 5 mins they were already high as hell, and they were looking at me like- "man u dont even look high", and i wansnt either, it took me 15 mins to feel anything.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, wtf....some of you smoke PCP.
And some other actually like, are seriously contemplating it.

If you want to hallucinate, do it right....


Active Member
I once got two joints with PCP in them, the guy thought it would be funny or something.

It was like walking with a basketball stuck to the bottom of each of your feet. That is, you fall down a few times before you learn not to walk.

Besides that, not so bad, if you've got nothing planned requiring consciousness or any memory of it.